





Every time I hear this song, I think of those happy days.

I cannot hear this song without being reminded of those happy days.


This song never fails to bring back to me memories of those happy days.


Those happy days live again in my memory whenever I hear this song.


Memories of those good old days always return (あるいはcome back) to me with this song.




(解答例)The conceited people hide their lack of ability by bragging about something they can do.


(解答例)The rose is the national flower of England.


(解答例)Man is (あるいはAll men are) mortal.


(解答例)The pen is mightier than the sword.


(解答例)You will rarely find a celebrity who is not conceited.


(解答例)My family are all very well.


(解答例)The late Mr. Smith was a famous landscape painter.


(解答例)There are three Tanakas in our class.


(解答例)What a delightful family the Smiths are!


(解答例)A Mr. Brown (あるいはSomeone called Mr. Brown) has called to see you during your absence.


(解答例)Shylock had a brutal and ruthless heart.


(解答例)Everything comes to him who waits.


(解答例)Nothing comes of nothing.


(解答例)When one is healthy, one does not know what a blessing health is.


(解答例)He and I have made a promise to help each other in case of difficulty.


(解答例)①It will be fine tomorrow.

②We shall have fine weather tomorrow.


(解答例)①It has snowed heavily a few times this month.

②We have had a few heavy falls of snow this month.


(解答例)①It was a bitterly cold night.

②The night was bitterly cold.




 主語itは、「天候、場所に関する状況、距離、時間など」を示す場合があり、また、漠然と環境を指したり(すなわちthe thing, person, or matter in questionとか、general and vague circumstances or state of thingsといった内容)、漠然と先行または後続の内容を表わす場合もあります。

“Who is there (あるいはthat)?” ”It’s me.”(「誰だ?」「僕です。」)

I cannot see who it is at this distance.

It isn’t only a question of money.

It all seems like a dream to me.

I wonder what it is like when he gets angry. (cf. I wonder what he is like at home.)

I don’t like it when it is hot. (cf. I don’t like hot weather.)

What was it like in Tokyo? -Oh, there were crowds everywhere. (cf. He went to Yale, but apparently he did not like it there, he left a year and a half later.)

Poor Rose -it must have been lonely in that house all by herself.

-G. Green, The Living Room

(cf. Poor Rose -she must have been lonely living in that house all by herself.)

Can you come today or must it be tomorrow?

He is trying to find a suitable house, but he will find it difficult.

It would have been better if you had left it unsaid. (=You had better have left it unsaid.そんなことは言わないでおいた方がよかったのに。)

It makes him so angry when he hears anyone speak ill of me.(人が私の悪口を言うのを聞くと、彼はカンカンになって怒るんです。)


I saw there was nothing for it but to wait.(待つ以外に手はない。)

The self-conceited person takes it for granted that he is superior to others.(うぬぼれ屋は自分はもちろん他人より優れていると考えます。)


  1. すっかり春めいて来ましたねえ。

(解答例)It has turned quite springlike again, hasn’t it?

  1. 月が照っていたので、森の中は昼のように明るかった。

(解答例)The moon was shining, and it was almost as bright as day in the woods.

  1. ここの景色のきれいなこと。

(解答例)How beautiful it is here!

(参考)It will be wonderful when spring comes.


(解答例)It was very quiet (あるいはsilent) in the room.

(参考)The room was now almost dark.


(解答例)”Do you know what time it is?” ”It is past eleven.”


(解答例)It has just gone (あるいはstruck) six.


(解答例)①It is Friday today.

②Today is Friday.


(解答例)It will be time enough to talk plans over in the morning.


(解答例)①How far is it to Ueno Station?

②What is the distance to Ueno Station?


(解答例)Smoking is allowed in our railway trains.


(解答例)①Losing his only son nearly drove him mad.

②The loss of his only son nearly drove him mad.


(解答例)①School breaking up immediately after for the summer holiday gave the lazy students a good excuse for neglecting school work openly.

②The lazy students neglected school work openly as the summer holidays were near at hand.


(解答例)It is no use (あるいはgood) trying to deceive me.


(解答例)It is absurd talking (あるいはto talk) like that.


Wasn’t it absolutely tragic, his failing that exam!

As the minutes passed without either of us furnishing a word, he began to fidget.

Just fancy Earnest thinking of buying a gift for me!


(解答例)There is no accounting for tastes.

(参考)There is no ~ingの形は知っておくと便利ですが、これもIt is impossible to~やNobody can~の形式で言えるので、自信が無い時には無理に使わないことです。


(解答例)To be rising is in many respects more agreeable than to have risen.


(解答例)To understand is to forgive.


Seeing is believing.

She was a charming gentle creature whom to know was to love.

To remain silent would have been to admit his guilt.(黙っていたら、自分が悪かったことを認めることになったであろう。)

Teaching a student how to think clearly and to write exactly is educating him.

Just talking to him was learning something valuable.

The attitude of ‘liking what you do’ comes to the same thing as ‘doing what you like’.


(解答例)How to spend money is far more difficult than how to get it.

(参考)When to start was the next question.(いつ出発すべきかが次の問題であった。)

  1. 彼が試験にパスするなんてまず不可能だよ。

(解答例)①For him to pass the examination is next to impossible.

②It is next impossible for him to pass the examination.

(解説)It isの次にgood, bad, right, wrong, easy, difficult, hard, possible, impossible, natural, necessary, unnecessary, safe, dangerous等の形容詞を置けば、いろいろな事柄が非常に楽に言い表せます。また、ある行為に表われた、人の「性質」を示すkind, good, nice, sweet, generous, unkind, cruel, horrid, clever, foolish, stupid, silly, decent, mean, thoughtful, considerate, thoughtless, inconsiderate, brave, cowardly等の形容詞の場合も、You are very kind to say so.の意味でIt is very kind of you (a kind thing or act done by youの意)と言いますが、この場合はfor somebodyのforの代わりにofが来ることを覚えておく必要があります。

 また、It isの次に名詞が来ることも当然あります。

It is a bad habit to smoke in bed.(ベッドでタバコを吸うのは悪い癖だ。)


It never pays to lose your temper.(短気は損気。)

It did not occur to me to burn that letter.(その手紙を焼くことは思いつきませんでした。)

It costs money and takes time to compile a dictionary.(一冊の辞書を作るには金もかかるし、時間もかかるものです。)

How does it feel to get your first book out?(初めて自分の本を出す気分はどんなものですか。)




 名詞節を主語にする場合、続く動詞などで非常に苦労するので、普通、Itを仮主語として先行させます。It happens, It seems, It appearsなどは縮めた言い方も可能です。

It seems that he is rolling in money.(金がうなるほどあるらしい。)=He seems to be rolling in money.

It seemed that he was rolling in money.=He seemed to be rolling in money.

It seems that he (has) made a lot of money out of the war.(金をしこたま儲けたらしい。) =He seems to have made a lot of money out of the war.

It seemed that he had made a lot of money out of the war.=He seemed to have made a lot of money out of the war.

 また、このIt seems, It appearsに形容詞や名詞をつければ、It is+形容詞あるいは名詞型の構文となります。

It seems (あるいはis) doubtful whether he will come tonight.(今夜、彼が来るかどうか、ちょっと怪しそうですね<怪しいね>。)

 ところで、It is・・・to~とIt is・・・thatをどう使い分けるかは迷いますが、ある行為(act)を表わすにはIt is・・・to~型、ある事柄(fact)を表わすにはIt is・・・that型を取れば大体間違いはありません。例えば、「親が子を愛するのは当然の話である」では、「愛する」という部分を行為(act)と考えれば、It is natural for parents to love their children.となりますし、「親が子を愛する」という部分を事柄(fact)と考えればIt is natural that parents should love their children.といった具合です。

 It isの次にstrange, natural, no wonder, right, regrettable, a pity, impossible等が来る時、that節内の動詞によくshouldがつきますが、その場合は「…であるとは驚いた、残念だ」等々の含みです。例えば、It is incredible that he should have refused your offer.には、Did he really refuse your offer? I can’t believe it.の含みがあります。すなわち、その事柄に対して話者が「疑惑、驚き」の気持ちを持っていることを示すのですが、It is natural that he should have refused your offer.とすれば、I know that he did refuse your offer and I think it is only natural.の気持ちで、すでにそれをplain factとして認めている語気が感じられるのです。

 以上の例と似ていますが、働きの全然違うものに、文のある部分を強調するために、その部分をIt isの次に置く形式(強調構文)があります。例えば、I am to blame.(私が悪いのです。)のIを強めるために、It is I that am to blame.(悪いのは私です。)といった具合で、主語・目的語・副詞(句・節)が強意のためにこの前方移動に応じ得るのです。

What is it that counts? →It is what you are, what you do yourself that counts.

Who is it (that) you want to see?→It is Mary that I want to see.

When is it that we realize what health means?→It is when we are ill that we realize what health means.

Why is it that he is not popular?→It is because he is too presumptuous that he is not popular.



(解答例)That he was right wants no proof.


(解答例)Whether I’ll marry her or not is none of your business.

(参考)Whether (or not) he will consent is another question.


(解答例)It is said (あるいはrumored, reported) that things are getting worse and worse.


(解答例)It is not known who wrote this song.

(参考)Nobody knows who wrote this song.


(解答例)It (so) happened that I was away on a trip at the time.


(解答例)①It is certain that he will succeed.

②He will certainly succeed.

③He is certain (あるいはsure) to succeed.

④I am certain (あるいはsure) that he will succeed.

(参考)That he will succeed is a foregone conclusion.

7、When I heard this, I felt all the more miserable.(Hearing thisを主語にして書き改て下さい)。

(解答例)Hearing this made me all the more miserable.

8、We get in debt more easily than get out of it.(Itを主語にして書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)It is easier to get in debt than (to get) out of it.

9、It seems that she had a happy childhood.(Sheを主語にして書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)She seems to have had a happy childhood.

10、It is not likely that he mentioned it to anybody.(Heを主語にして書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)He is not likely to have mentioned it to anybody.


(ヒント)天候のitを主語にしてIt was a・・・afternoonとします。「気持ちのよい」はこの場合、nice, pleasant, delightful。「風も無く」はwindlessとするより、with no windとしてafternoonの後に付けた方がつり合いが取れます。後半の主語は言うまでもなくthe sunです。「晴れ渡った空」はthe cloudless skyと考えます。

(解答例)It was a nice afternoon with no wind, and the sun was shining brightly (あるいはgloriously) in a cloudless sky.


(ヒント)ごく英語的な言い方では、第1文はNone of them spoke for a (5分をひとまとめと考えるのでaをつけます) good five minutesとなるので、それをIt was・・・before~の形式に仕立て直してみます。

(解答例)It was a good five minutes before any of them spoke. It was mother who broke the heavy (あるいはoppressive) silence. “Is it any use (あるいはWhat’s the use of) arguing further?” she said.


(ヒント)前半の主語はevery manでもeveryoneでもよいです。後半の主語は「軽蔑することは」のto despise (a man)とします。「短所だけを見て」をsolely on account of his demeritsと考えれば、to despise a manにうまくつながります。「我々の狭量さ」はthat we are narrow-mindedを名詞にしてour narrow-mindednessとします。

(解答例)Every man has his merits and demerits, and to despise a man solely on account of (あるいはon the grounds of) his defects is nothing but a proof of our own narrow-mindedness.


(解答例)I think we could do with at least one national holiday a month.



【テーマ】There is 構文➀

 There is構文のThereはin (あるいはat, to) that placeを意味するthereではなくて、「何々が(どこそこに)ある」という内容のセンテンスを導入するための形式語で、後から本物の主語が来るのであり、それ自体のはっきりした意味は持ちません。発音の上でも/ðɛə/ではなく、/ðə/と軽く言います。

There’s/ðəz/ no one there/ðɛə/.

 thereが主語の感じを持つことは、There is no objection, is there?とか、Let him try.のhimを真似てLet there be no misunderstanding about it.としたり、It is important for us to learn early to depend upon ourselves.の形にならってIt was still too early for there to be any pedestrians about.(まだ時刻が早すぎて、辺りに通行人はいなかった。)などとする例からも窺えます。

 この構文では、存在する「場所」よりも存在する「もの」に重点が置かれることに着目しなければなりません。There is a vase on the table.とThe vase is on the table. を比較してみると、前者はWhat is there on the table?に対するものであり、後者はWhere is the vase? に答えるものであることが分かります。それゆえ、「もの」がすでに明らかになっていて、その「存在する場所」に重きを置きたい場合には、普通、このThere is構文は用いず、「主語+be+場所を表わす副詞(句)」という形式を取るのです。逆に言えば、There is構文では存在する「もの」が初めて文中に登場すること、したがって、その主語はa, an, no, some, any, many, severalなどをつけるか、またはtheのつかない複数名詞であり、多少とも不確定要素を持つものであることが本来ということになります。


In the first place, there was the expense to think of.

There were the Robinsons, the Brewers, the Smiths, and the Greenfields at his birthday party.

Here is your raincoat, and there/ðɛə/ is your umbrella.

There’s the door.(The door is there.のthereを強めるため、先に言います)

There goes my bus!(あれー行っちゃった、バスが。<参考>Here’s your bus (coming).)

Go out and play, there’s (あるいはthat’s) a good boy.(いい子だから)

Look, there’s a rainbow. Isn’t it pretty!(ごらん、あそこに虹が出た。きれいじゃないか)

There it is.(ほら、そこにある。主語が代名詞ならこの語順になります。)

Oh, there you are, Peter.(来たな、ようピーター。<参考>Here you are.は相手に物を差し出す時の文句です。)

 また、このThere is構文ではある「もの」の「存在(existence)」ばかりでなく、「存在するにいたること(coming into existence)」をも示し得るので、動詞もbe, lie, stand, remain, live, dwellなどばかりでなく、come, happen, take place, appearなども使えます。



(解答例)①His voice had a ring of genuine despair.

②There was a genuine despair in his voice.

(参考)She sounded thoroughly frightened.→There was manifest terror in her voice.


(解答例)①Need you do so much?

②Is it necessary for you to do so much?

③Is there any need for you to do so much?

(参考)There's no hurry about it.(それは急ぐ必要はありません。)

What's your hurry?(何をそんなに急いでいるのだ?) There must be no delay.


(解答例)①The idea of teaching school had no appeal at all for me (あるいはdid not appeal to me in the least, left me cold).

②There was no appeal at all in the idea of teaching in a school.


(解答例)①We have no bus service from here to the village.

②There are no buses running from here to the village.



"Oh, look out! There's a car coming.(A car is coming.とは言いません。)"


(解答例)①It seem s to me that we are losing sight of one important thing.

②There is one important thing, (as) it seems to me, being lost sight of.


(解答例)①The bottle was empty of every drop of wine.

②There was no drop of wine left in the bottle.


A letter has come for you.→There's a letter come for you.

Nothing is more prodigally wasted than time.→There is nothing more prodigally wasted than time.

Two children were born to them.→There were two children born to them.


(解答例)①One thing worries me very deeply.

②There is one thing which worries me very deeply.

(解説)①は出し抜けに主語が来ますが、②の方は導入がなだらかで、one thingに注意を集めます。Does anybody here speak English?よりもIs there anybody here who speaks English?の方が唐突でなく、I should like to speak to you about something.と言うより、There is something I should like to speak to you about.の方がsomethingがボケないで済みます。


(解答例)①How else can you explain it?

②What other explanation is there?


What is there to laugh at?


(解答例)①A terrible storm of wind and rain arouse in the middle of the night.

②In the middle of night there came a terrible storm of wind and rain.


(解答例)①Then a most violent scene occurred between him and his son.

②Then there took place between him and his son a most violent scene.


(解答例)①An emaciated-looking man appeared from the shadows.

②There appeared from the shadows an emaciated-looking man.

(解説)There appears to be no doubt about that.(それに疑問の余地はなさそうだ)やThere does not seem to be any effectual remedy for cancer at present.(ガンには目下のところ、有効な治療法は無いようである)のappearやseemは、beの延長です。


(解答例)①When I stopped, an oppressive silence fell upon the company.

②When I stopped, there followed an oppressive silence.


(解答例)①Then for the first time in my life I wished to have a house of my own.

②Then there awoke in me a wish to have a house of my own.



【テーマ】There is 構文②

 There is 構文では、存在する「場所」よりも、存在する「もの」に重点が置かれるのですが、これは場所に関する副詞・副詞句の類を言わなくても済むということであり、これは便利です。例えば、次のような文です。

There is no rule without an exception.(例外の無い規則は無い。)

There cannot be a more intolerable thing than a fortunate fool.(馬鹿なくせに運がいい奴ほどしゃくにさわるものはありゃしない。)

There is a scarcity of friendship, but none of friends.(友達には事欠かぬが、まれなるは


 これをthere is (あるいはcannot be)を用いずに言うと、次のように苦労しなくてはなりません。

Every rules has some exceptions.

A fortunate fool is the most intolerable thing.

Friendship is scarce, but not friends.

 総じてこの型を用いると、動詞に苦しまなくて済みます。有名なWhere there is a will, there is a way.(精神一到何事か成らざらん)にしてもA willやThe existence of a willを主語にして言おうとすると、動詞でハタと困ってしまいます。A will suggests a way.では何のことか分からず、A will to do a thing usually suggests to us a way to do it.と補足してもまずいことおびただしいのです。The existence of a willとでも始めようものなら、にっちもさっちも行かなくなってしまいます。

 There is構文の型を取ると、何ゆえ存在する「もの」に重点が置かれるかというと、普通の文のようにいきなり主題を文頭に据え、それに説明を加えるより、説明の文句を先に出して、Long ago, there dwelt (あるいはlived) at the temple of Morinji, in the province of Kozuke, a holy priest.のように文尾に主語を据えたり、または、A long, long time ago, in a small country-village in Japan, there were (あるいはlived) a poor farmer and his wife, who were very good people.のように主語を中間に持って来た方が、読む人、聞く人の心に「何が」という期待を高まらせる心理的効果があるからでしょう。そして、主語が中間に来る場合、続く語句は形容句、不定詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、関係詞で始まる形容詞節であることも著しい特徴です。その場合には、「存在」の意味に後続の語句の表わす意味がかぶさって溶け込むことになります。


There were two doors directly opposite him.

Directly opposite him were two doors.

 また、「存在するに至ること」も表わせるので、There is構文は一般の出来事(特に自然現象)に関する記述にはもってこいです。ただ、この構文は何と言ってもimpersonalな言い方であるので、原文の含み、調子次第で書き分ける必要があります。例えば、「昨日、英語の試験がありました」では、Yesterday (there wasとするより) we had an examination in English.の方が良いでしょう。しかし、「1年は12ヶ月あります」なら、There are twelve months in a year.でもA year has twelve months.でもTwelve months make one year.でもよいのです。

 さらに「に~がある」でも、「~」がある物の一部分であったり、それに付属する場合には、there is (あるいはare)ではなく、haveを用いる方が安全です。例えば、There are four legs to this desk.ではなく、This desk has four legs.であり、There is a big head on his shoulder.ではなく、He has a big head.です。もちろん、Winter has its own recreations.もThere are~では言えません。しかし、部分を示すとも場所を示すとも取れる場合には、どちらでもよいです。例えば、My bedroom has two windows.はThere are two windows in my bedroom.とも言えますし、ことわざのEvery cloud has a silver lining.(どの雲も裏側は銀色に輝いている)にはThere is a silver lining to every cloud.という別形もあるのです。



(解答例)There was a fire (あるいはA fire broke out) near his house last night.


(解答例)There have been (あるいはWe have had) tow world wars since the beginning of this century.


(解答例)There was (あるいはWe had) a heavy downpour that night.


(解答例)There will be (あるいはWe shall have) a severe frost tonight.


(解答例)There was a sudden fall in the temperature.

(参考)I hope there will be a change in the weather.


(解答例)There is a full moon tonight.


(解答例)There was (あるいはWe had) a slight (shock of) earthquake this morning.

(解説)「東京地方に地震があった」なら、Tokyo and its vicinity had a severe earthquake this morning.か、またはA severe shock of earthquake was felt in Tokyo and its neighborhood.などと言います。


(ヒント)「来世」はa life to comeでもa life after deathでもよいです。それをthere~にはめ込めば、すぐさま言えます。

(解答例)Do you believe that there is a life after death (あるいはany life to come)?

(参考)Do you believe in life after death (あるいはa hereafter)?


(ヒント)In Kyoto there are (あるいはKyoto has) several templesまで書いてその形容句を考えると、There are books, but very few of them are really worth reading.のような例が思い浮かびます。そこでIn Kyoto there are several temples worth seeingとなりますが、「どんなに遠くからでも行って見る価値のある」をworth seeing after coming from however distant a place it may beとしたのでは英語にならないので、「見る」と「行く」を転置します。

(解答例)In Kyoto there are several temples worth coming any distance to see.


(ヒント)There is no country in any part of the world which is shaken by earthquakes more frequently than Japan.では少し変です。

(解答例)There is no part of the world where earthquakes are more frequent than in Japan.


(ヒント)まず、There is a big (あるいはa world of) difference between~and…を頭に浮かべ、~…の内容を動名詞を使って表わします。

(解答例)There is a big difference between being told to do something and doing it of your own accord (あるいはfor yourself).


(ヒント)Many strange rumors are flying about him since formerly.などと猛烈な直訳をしないことです。

(解答例)There have been many strange rumors about him.


(ヒント)「空も青く、日もさしていた」をthe sky was blue and the sun was shiningとする代わりに、「青空」と「陽光」をthere~に収めればよいです。

(解答例)Rain fell (あるいはIt rained) during the night, but the next morning there was blue sky and sunlight.


(ヒント)「日のもとに新しきもの無し」はThere is nothing new under the sun.「~には大いに真理がある」にはThere is some truth in what you say.を応用します。「学問は進歩しない」はthere would be no progress of learningと考えます。

(解答例)There is a lot of truth in the proverb, “There is nothing new under the sun.” However, if it were for those scholars who ask Why? from a new angle about those things with which people have always been so familiar that very few of them ever stop to notice, there would be no progress (あるいはadvanced) of learning.



【テーマ】 否定詞・疑問詞を主語にする

 英語を習い始めの頃は、否定語が主語になっているNothing is more precious than time.などは、There is nothing which is more precious than time.ぐらいに言い直さないと合点がいかなかったりします。それがさらに進んで、No two minds think exactly alike.などになると、日本語ではどう言ったらよいか、困ってしまいます。これはThere are no two people in this world think exactly alike.のことで、「(人は皆、それぞれ考え方の違うもの、)考え方のぴったり同じ人は2人といない」というだけの意味ですが、これも皆、日本語には否定詞(をつけた名詞)を主語にする習慣が無いために感ずる困難です。しかし、英文を書く場合には否定詞(をつけた語)を主語に用いなければならず、また、用いた方がスッキリすることが多いので、この要領を飲み込んでおく必要があります。

 一方、疑問詞を(他)動詞の主語にする場合、例えば、「何が彼女をそうさせたか」という映画のタイトルなら、What made her do so?とかWhat led her to do that?がすぐに出て来るところです。さらに日本語でも「いずくんぞ…」などと言って反語で見栄を切ることをありますが、英語にもこれと同じく疑問文の形式で同じ効果を狙うRhetorical Question(修辞的疑問文)という言い方があります。例えば、Everybody knows that.と言う代わりにWho does not know that?とする類で、この反語形式には疑問詞がよく主語になって登場するのです。



(解答例)①You cannot save those who will not save themselves.

②No one can save those who will not save themselves.

③It is impossible to save those who will not save themselves.

④There is no (あるいはmeans of, possibility of) saving those who will not save themselves.


(解答例)①Once he had made up his mind, you could not shake him, no matter how you might appeal.

②His mind once made up, no appeal could shake him.

(参考)I’ve made up my mind and nothing you can say will change it.


(解答例)①I waited all the morning, but John did not come.

②I waited all the morning, but no John came.

(解説)「待てども待てども手紙は来なかった」はI waited and waited, but no letter came.となります。


(解答例)①I suffered in secret more than I can possibly say.

②No words can express the secret agony of my soul.


(解答例①How many of us have any definite aim in life? Not one in ten thousand!

②Not one person in ten thousand has any definite aim in life!


(解答例)①You could not find any two sisters who are more unlike in appearance and temperament (than they).

②No two sisters could be more unlike in appearance and temperament.


(解答例)①This room gets no sun.

②No sun ever gets into this room.


(解答例)①I think there is scarcely anybody in this world who thinks better of other people than of himself.

②Few men, I believe, think better of others than of themselves.


(解答例)①What have you come here for?

②On what business (あるいはWhy) have you come here?

③What has brought you here?

(参考)What did he go to Paris for?→What took him to Paris?

「どういう風の吹き回しでここへ来たんだね」をWhat wind blew you here? (あるいはWhat ill wind has brought you here?) などとも言います。


(解答例)①Why could you (あるいはWhy is it you could) not come?

②What prevented you from coming?

(解説)この考え方でいけば、Why did he get so angry?はWhat made him so angry?となります。「どうしてそう考えるのか」はWhat makes you think so (あるいはthat)?と言います。


(解答例)①From whom did you hear that?

②Who told you that?

(解説)疑問詞が疑問文の主語の時は叙述文の場合と同じ語順ですので、②の場合はWho did tell you that?などとdo, does, didの助けを借りなくてもよいです。付けると「強意」形となります。


(解答例)①Nobody would have thought that he would succeed so well.

②Who would have thought that he would succeed so well?


(解答例)①No one can read heroic deeds of brave men without a feeling of respect and admiration.

②Who can read heroic deeds of brave men without a feeling of respect and admiration?


(ヒント)「誰だって分からない」のNobody knowsまでをまず書きます。「自分にどの程度のことができるか」をto what extent (he can do)などと直訳しては意味が通じないので、how much he can doとかwhat he can doと書きます。

(解答例)Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried.


(ヒント)やさしく書くとWhenever two people stay in one place for, say, half an hour, one of them will show himself to be evidently superior to the other. となります。その時、cannot…without~ingの形が頭に浮かびます。しかし、Two people cannot…とすると、「3人ではどうなのか?」と食い下がられるので、Any two people cannotと直します。しかし、Any…notではまずいので(英語では否定詞が早く出ようとする癖があります)、not any…となります。さらにnot anyはnoとつまるので、No two peopleとします。

(解答例)No two people can be half an hour together without one of them gaining (あるいはbut one will gain) an evident superiority over the other.

(解説)このbutはwithout the result of…「…とならないでは」の意です。


(ヒント)Any study of English cannot be said to be complete.ではまずいので、notをnoとして前方に移動させてNo study of English can be said to be complete.とします。それに「聖書に関してある程度知らなければ」を付け足します。

(解答例)No study of English can be said to be complete before we know something about the English Bible.


(ヒント)Nothing can give us greater pleasure than~がすぐに浮かびますが、原文には「まず」とあるので、Nothingの断定をFew thingsと和らげます。

(解答例)Few things, in my opinion, can give us greater pleasure than to overcome (あるいはovercoming, the conquest of) difficulties.


(ヒント)主語をNo successとしてis worthy of the nameという決まり文句を付け、unlessで始まる副詞節を付ければよいです。

(解答例)No success is worthy of the name unless it is (あるいはhas been) won by honest industry.


(ヒント)「健康が第一だ」はHealth is everything.となります。前半は反語形式で、Who does not know…?として、後半はfew peopleを主語にして書きます。

(解答例)Who does not know the health is everything? And yet (very) few people are as careful of their health as they should be (あるいはdo take proper care of their health).


(ヒント)普通に言えば、In no country does nature change her aspects so markedly from one season to another as in Japan. It is probably because of this fact that we Japanese are essentially deep lovers of nature.ですが、No countryを第1文の主語にしてみます。

(解答例)No country presents such marked changes in natural scenery at different seasons of the year as does Japan, to which may be ascribed (あるいはattributed) our profound love of nature.



【テーマ】 「無生物」を主語にする

 少し慣れてくると、意識にすら上らなくなりますが、英語のセンテンスの主語の取り方で、最も注意すべき特徴は「無生物」を他動詞の主語として用いることです。例えば、「金は幸福を買えない」と言えば、日本語としては不自然ですが、英語では立派にMoney cannot buy happiness.と言います。もちろん、「人間」を主語にしてWe cannot buy happiness with money.とも言えます。また、自動詞の主語になることは日本語でも同様です。例えば、「習慣は国々によって違う」はCustoms differ with countries.=Different countries have different customs.となります。



If (あるいはWhen) we add two and three together, we get five.

Two and three make(s) (あるいはis, are) five.

2 plus 3 equals (あるいはis equal to) 5.


If we take three from six, we have (あるいはthere are) three left.

If we take 3 from 6, the remainder is 3 (あるいは3 is left).

Three from six is three.

6 minus 3 equals 3.


If we add three fours together, we get 12.

4 multiplied by 3 equals (あるいはis) 12.

Three times four is (あるいはare) twelve.


If (あるいはWhen) we divide 12 by 4, we get 3.

12 divided by 4 equals (あるいはgives, makes) 3.


If we divide 39 by 6, we get 6 and 3 over.

39 divided by 6 equals 6 and 3 over.


What do (あるいはdoes) two and three make?

What (あるいはHow much) is two plus three?


What is fifteen minus nine?

How much is 9 (subtracted) from 15?


What do you get if we multiply four by two?

What are twice (あるいはtwo times) four?


How much is three-fourths of twenty?


How many fours are there in 12? (答えはThere are three.)

What does twelve divided by four make?

What (あるいはHow much) is twelve divided by four?


Three squared is nine.



(解答例)①If you follow this road, you will get to the station.

②This road will take you to the station.

(参考)This fountain pen will last me a lifetime.(この万年筆なら一生持つよ。)

Does this road lead to the park?(この道を行くと公園に出ますか。)


(解答例)①You don’t make the job sound very attractive.

②The job doesn’t sound very attractive.


(解答例)①With the help of machines we can produce more food with less work.

②Machines help us to grow more food with less work.


(解答例)①I should call this house perfect if only it has a few more rooms.

②This house only wants a few more rooms to be perfect.


(解答例)①You must have your watch cleaned.

②Your watch wants cleaning.

(解説)needs to be cleanedの意味でwants (あるいはneeds, requires) cleaningと言います。


(解答例)①With this ticket you can break your journey at intermediate stations.

②This ticket allows you to break your journey at intermediate stations.


(解答例)①We had our roof blown of by the wind.

②The wind blew a roof from the house.


(解答例)①We found the bridge (had been) washed away by the swollen river.

②The swollen river had carried the bridge away.


(解答例)①We had to put off our departure on account of the stormy weather.

②The stormy weather compelled us to postpone our departure.


(解答例)①It being gloriously fine, large crowds of people swarmed out (あるいはthere was an exodus of people) into the suburbs.

②The glorious weather tempted large crowds of people out of the city.

(参考)Autumn brings with it the harvest time, when the crops are gathered and the fruit is picked in the orchards.


(解答例)①Hundreds of people were burnt to death in the great fire.

②The great fire destroyed hundreds of lives.


(解答例)①The students were filled with joy as the holiday was now just round the corner.

②The approaching holiday filled the students with joy.

(解説)②はThe approach of the holiday filled the students with joy.とも言えます。


(解答例)①The next morning he found himself penniless again.

②The next morning found him penniless again.

(参考)Morning after morning she grew more restless.

Each successive morning found her more restless.

Minute after minute dragged slowly on.


(解答例)①Columbus discovered America in 1492.

②The year 1492 saw the discovery of America by Columbus.


(解答例)①In a week we shall hail (あるいはgreet) the New Year.

②A week from now will bring the New Year.


(解答例)①If you study hard for one more year, you will surely pass the entrance examination.

②Another year of hard study will surely enable you to pass the entrance examination.


①By practicing constantly for days on end, I soon came to speak English with comparative ease.

②Days of constant practice soon enabled me to speak English without much difficulty.


(解答例)①If you take nine from fifteen, you have (あるいはthere are) six left.

②Nine from fifteen leaves (あるいはis) six.

③Fifteen minus nine equals (あるいはis equal to) six.

18、By means of cold storage we can keep an even (平均した) supply of goods on the market all the year round.(Cold storageを主語にして言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)Cold storage enables us (あるいはmakes it possible) to keep an even supply of goods all the year round.

(参考)By means of a process called air conditioning we can (あるいはA process called air conditioning enable us to) clean the indoor air, give it just the right amount of moisture, and keep it as warm or as cool as we like.

19、He grew wealthier and wealthier day after day.(Each dayを主語にして言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)Each day saw his wealth growing.

20、You can play very rapid music on the flute.(The fluteを主語にして言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)The flute can play very rapid music.

21、I always feel depressed when it rains.(Rainy weatherを主語にして言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)Rainy weather always depresses me.

(参考)Cool autumn days make us feel energetic.

22、You get a fine view over the city from the hill.(The hillを主語にして言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)The hill commands a fine view over the city.

23、Owing to the Irish potato famine of 1845 almost a million people came over to America in five years.(The Irish potato famine of 1845を主語にして言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)The Irish potato famine of 1845 brought almost a million people to America in five years.


(ヒント)Oh, you have fallen ill in this heat.などとしないことです。The heatを主語にして、その動詞を考えてみます。会話に慣れている人なら、It’s the weather.とかYou’re under the weather.などが出てくるところです。

(解答例)The heat has knocked you down; you had better stay away from school for a couple of days.

(参考)I can stand the heat remarkably well.(僕は暑いのはへっちゃらです。)


(ヒント)If we use a telescope, we can see distant objects invisible to the naked eye.でよいですが、前半を縮めると、By the help of a telescope we…となります。さらに簡潔にするには、「望遠鏡」を主語にします。

(解答例)The telescope enables us to see distant objects invisible to the naked eye (あるいはreveals distant objects to our sight).


(ヒント)「時々暇な折に」が難しいですが、「時折」のonce in a whileのwhileに関係副詞のwhenをつけ、「暇な」を解決します。「古い日記」をmy old diariesとするだけでは足りません。「思い出されます」をI am reminded of…としないで、その「日記帳」が「思い出させる」としてみます。

(解答例)Once in a while when I have nothing better to do, I take out some of my old diaries and browse. They bring back to me those happy far-off days that are no more.


(ヒント)第1文の主語を「夜」として書くと、原文にピッタリしますが、動詞がとても難しいでしょう。「昼間来てごらん」をcome and have a look by daylightではちょっと足りません。同様に「ずいぶん汚らしい室ですよ」のyou will see this room is very shabbyにも、もうひと工夫欲しいところです。

(解答例)Night lends enchantment. Come and have another look in broad (あるいはclear) daylight, and you will see how shabby this room really is.


(ヒント)「日本」を主語にして書いてみます。「観光客」はforeign touristsが一番よいです。「招く」はinviteなどと手軽に考えないことです。「ホテルの設備」はhotel accommodations。「世界に冠たる」は工夫が必要です。

(解答例)Japan cannot expect to attract a large number of foreign tourists with her scenery and historic spots alone. First and foremost, she must improve her hotel accommodations, and also roads which are among the world’s worst.


(ヒント)第1文の主語は「天気」のthe weather。第2文の前半は「霧」のthe mists、後半はIとして書いてみます。「アルプスの雪」はthe snow of Alpsとしては「雪」に重点が移るので、「雪に覆われたアルプス」the snow-covered Alpsとしておきます。「割合に」をratherなどと荒っぽく考えないで、「期待したほどには」ぐらいにしておきます。

(解答例)Unfortunately during my recent trip the weather was very bad most of the time; particularly in Switzerland the mists prevented me from seeing the snow-covered Alps; so I did not get as much enjoyment as I (had) expected.



【テーマ】 ある「事柄」を主語にする


He died, leaving the family penniless.

His death left the family penniless.



①I felt dejected when I thought I might fail.

②My heart sank within me at the thought of possible failure.


①I could not learn much from his face.

②His face did not say much.


①You can tell how old a horse is, by looking at his teeth.

②The teeth of a horse reveal his age.




(解答例)①He became rich and famous when he was an old man.

②Wealth and fame came to him late in life.


(解答例)①When one is reduced to poverty, one will often exhibit a beggarly disposition.

②Poverty brings out the beggar in man.

(参考)これを応用すれば、「金持ちになると利己的になる人が多い」なども、Wealth makes many men selfish.と軽く言えます。


(解答例)①We cannot enjoy freedom without accepting (some measure of) responsibility.

②Freedom always brings responsibility with it.


(解答例)①I see life differently now.

②My outlook on life has undergone a change.


(解答例)①I had a feeling (that) you’d come today.

②Something (おどけてA little bird) told me (that) you’d come to day.


(解答例)①I suddenly thought of (あるいはhit on) a capital plan.

②A capital plan suddenly suggested itself to my mind (あるいはoccurred to me).


(解答例)①He was trusted by everybody as he was honest.

②His honesty made him trusted by everybody.


(解答例)①If you have fine character and great ability, you will surely succeed in whatever business you may be engaged in.

②High character, joined to outstanding ability, is bound to win success in any walk of life.


(解答例)①I took more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.

②The translation of a few pages of English took me more than two hours.


It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.


(参考)It took me ten weeks to read the Bible through.


(解答例)①He made himself ill by excessive smoking.

②Excessive smoking injured his health.

(参考)Regular habits, daily exercise, cleanliness and moderation in eating as well as in drinking, would keep most people in good health.


(解答例)①If too many trees are thoughtlessly cut down in the mountains, we must have floods when it rains hard.

②Careless cutting of trees in the mountains causes floods in the rivers when there is a heavy rain.

(解説)このmustは「必ず…となる(する)」という「不可避な結果(a necessary result)」を示します。


(解答例)①We seldom have thunder in winter.

②The occurrence of thunder in winter is comparatively rare.


(解答例)①The students began to cram frantically as the examinations drew near.

②The approach of the examinations set the students studying hard.


(解答例)①A man reveals his breeding by his behavior in a quarrel.

②The test of a man’s breeding is how he behaves in a quarrel.


(解答例)①The parents were exceedingly pleased at their son’s success in the examination.

②Their son’s success in the examination gave them acute pleasure.

(参考)He succeeded…, much to his parents’ delight.


(解答例)①If you catch this disease, you will die in a couple of days.

②This disease will carry off its victims in a matter of days.


(解答例)①He got well and could take up his studies again.

②His recovery of health enabled him to resume his studies.


(解答例)①I was so astonished that I could hardly (あるいはscarcely) speak.

②I was almost too astonished to speak.

③Astonishment almost deprived me of my power of speech.

④My amazement almost struck me dumb.


(解答例)①He committed suicide in despair.

②Despair drove him to suicide.


(解答例)①I began to feel more and more sleepy.

②Slumber gradually stole up on me.


(解答例)①He was too proud to accept (あるいはso proud that he would not accept) any reward.

②His pride would not allow him to accept any reward.



【テーマ】 作り方に相当な工夫を要する主語


 例えば、「辺りはシーンとしていた」を見ると、「辺り」のall roundを主語にはできませんし、それをthe whole placeと直してもうまくいきません。「緊張して寂として声なし」なら、A pin might have been heard to drop.とも言えますが、この場合はそれでもありません。そこで、「物音一つ聞こえなかった」と考えれば、Not a sound was to be heard around us.とか、There was not a sound to be heard around us.とも言えますし、silenceを主語にすれば、All about us was profound silence.とおさまるのです。

 「気候の点では秋が一番良い」であれば、Autumn is the best season in point of weather.では少々いただけません。かと言って、Climatically speakingなどと発明するわけにもいきません。「気候」the weatherが主語だと看破すれば、The weather is most pleasant in autumn.という英文が出来上がります。

 「東京の夏は暑い」であれば、Tokyo’s summer is very hot.は敬遠するとしても、Summer is a hot season in Tokyo.では不十分です。夏が暑いのは東京ばかりではありませんから。It is hot in Tokyo in summer.では下手です。ただし、In September it becomes very cool in the mornings and evenings.のような言い方ならOKです。「東京」を浮き立たせている原意は、英文でも「東京」を主語にする他に手はなく、Tokyo has broiling hot days in summer.とすればよいわけです。もっとスッキリさせるには、Tokyo is a hot place in (the) summer.となります(参考:New York is very hot in summer and very cold in winter.)。

 次は加工を要する例です。「人が間に入ってケンカを収めてくれた」をA person stepped in and made up the quarrel.としたのでは、少し足りません。この「人」は「第三者」の意味ですから、A third personとする必要があります。さらに「1週、また1週と経っていったが、彼からは手紙が来なかった」は、One week passed, then another, but still no letter came from him.とも言えますが、少し手を加えれば、Week after week passed, but no letter came from him.となります。

 さらに日本語の修飾句をそのまま英文の主語につけないケースがあります。「今の僕は2年前の僕とは違う」を、Today’s I am different from I two years ago.では乱暴すぎます。what I am todayとwhat I was two years agoを比べるのですから、簡単にI am not what I was two years ago.として、その意味を表わせばよいのです。

 逆に日本語とそっくりそのままでいいのが、「距離・時間」を表わす、次のような場合です。 「3月から5月までが春です」はFrom March to May is spring.(参考:From 200 B.C. to A.D. 500 is seven hundred years.)であり、「私の家から一番近いバスの停留所まで歩いて5分です」はFrom my house to the nearest bus-stop is about five minutes’ walk.(参考:From London to Gibraltar is roughly a thousand miles.)となります。もちろん、It is…from…to…と言ってもよいです。


1、After walking briskly for an hour we came within sound of the sea.(An hour’s brisk walkingを主語にして書き換えて下さい。)

(解答例)An hour’s brisk walking brought us within sound of the sea.

2、Most men desire to make money.(The desire to make moneyを主語にして書き換えて下さい。)

(解答例)The desire to make money is common to most men.

3、Thanks to the doctor’s careful treatment, the patient recovered very speedily.(The doctor’s careful treatmentを主語にして書き換えて下さい。)

(解答例)The doctor’s careful treatment of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.

4、Because of surprise and anger he remained speechless for some minutes.(Surprise and angerを主語にして書き換えて下さい。動詞はpreventです。)

(解答例)Surprise and anger prevented him from speaking for some minutes.

5、When successful, even a fool seems wise.(Successを主語にして書き換えて下さい。)

(解答例)Success makes a fool seem wise.

6、One who is orphaned early in life has suffered a grave misfortune.(The early loss of one’s parentsを主語にして書き換えて下さい。)

(解答例)The early loss of one’s parents is a grave misfortune.

7、If you live in an English-speaking country for a couple of years, you will have your ability to read, write, and speak English increased considerably.(A couple of years’ residenceを主語にして書き換えて下さい。)

(解答例)A couple of years’ residence in an English-speaking country will add considerably to your ability to read, write, and speak English.

(参考)Living in an English-speaking country for a couple of years will help you to learn to read, write, and speak English very well.

8、In order to keep healthy we should, first of all, have sufficient sleep.(Sufficient sleepを主語にして書き換え下さい。)

(解答例)Sufficient sleep is the first requisite to good health.



(解答例)①You are only young once.

②Youth comes but once in a lifetime.


(ヒント)もちろん、we, youを主語にする方が言いやすいですが、failureを主語にしてあれこれ考えてみるのも有益です。

(解答例)①Never be discouraged even if you fail. Take courage from it and make fresh efforts.

②Failure should never be a source of discouragement but rather a stimulus to fresh efforts.


(ヒント)前半の主語をopinions、後半の主語をeverybodyとすれば、Opinions may differ as to whether he has any talents, but everybody agrees that he is a trustworthy person.となりますが、opinionsを主語にして通してみます。

(解答例)As to his talents opinions may differ, but about his reliability there are no two opinions.


(ヒント)If we eat something at night, it is likely to sit heavy on our stomach.くらいがすぐに浮かぶところですが、もう少し引き締めたいところです。しかし、Something eaten at night is likely to sit heavy on our stomach.ではまずいので、Food eaten at night is…と変え、もう少し不要部分を切り落としてまとめます。

(解答例)Food at night is likely to sit heavy on our stomach.


(ヒント)「お互いに」でeach otherを使いたいですが、We know each other.では「相手が何を考えているか」の処置に困ります。意味だけ取れば、We understand each other without speaking.やWe can read each other’s mind.となるので、これをEach of us can read the other’s mind.と工夫します。この筆法で、最初のWe know each otherを改造します。

(解答例)We each know what the other thinks without saying a word.


(ヒント)「耳が少し遠い」は、I am slightly deaf.やI hear rather badly.でもいいですが、He is blind of an eye.とかHe is lame in the right leg.のように、最初大ざっぱに言って、その後、細部の説明を加えてはっきりさせていくという、英語の癖にしたがって表現してみます。

(解答例)Will you speak a little louder, please? I am a little hard of hearing.


(ヒント)However fine clothes you may wear, nobody will think you cultured or refined, if your manners are bad.とすると、こんな短い文で主語が3度も変わって、少し目まぐるしいでしょう。そこで主語をyouで通す工夫をします。

(解答例)However fine clothes you may wear, you will never be thought cultured or refined, if you are coarse in manners.


(ヒント)問題は4つの「人」をどう処理するかです。People are getting on and off, people have come to meet their friends or to see them off.では忙しくてかなわないですし、ゴッタがえして何が何だか分からなくなります。そこで加工し、Some people are getting off and some are getting in; some have come to meet their friends and some to see their friends off.とまず書いておいて、工夫を加えます。

(解答例)The (あるいはA) train has just pulled into the station(あるいはcome in). We see some passengers getting off while others are getting in, also there are those who have come to meet their friends or to see them off. Indeed all now hurry and bustle on the platform.


(ヒント)第1文は「暖かい日の光」を主語としては難しいので、the sunとしてis sheddingと受け、それに「暖かい光」its warm raysをつけ、「青い麦畑には」のon the green barely-fieldsで収めます。次の部分の主語は「若葉が」ではなく、「林」the groves of trees beyondとし、are beautiful with their young leavesと受けます。次の主語を「ヒバリ」とすれば、And some larks are heard twittering high up in the sky.となります。

(解答例)Warm sunshine is flooding the pale blue barley-fields, beyond which stand groves of trees beautiful in their new coat of green, and from somewhere far up in the sky comes the music of skylarks.








(解答例)The Mississippi rises in Minnesota and flows (あるいはpours, empties) into the Gulf of Mexico.

(解説)start fromではなく、rise inであり、「~に注ぐ」はflow (あるいはpour, empty) intoとします。


(解答例)Will war come (あるいはbreak out) in the Balkan peninsula?

(解説)begin, happen, take place, ariseなどは使えません。comeまたはbreak outです。


(解答例)The storm will pass over (あるいはoff) at sunset.

(解説)stopではありません。pass overかpass offです。


(解答例)Sparrows are twittering (あるいはchirping) on the roof.



(解答例)The snow lay thick on the ground.

(解説)thickly coveredではまずいです。lay thick onとします。


(解答例)A brilliant future lies before you.

(解説)is waiting forでは少々まずいです。lies beforeとします。Youを主語にすれば、You have a brilliant future.となります。

(参考)All the world lies before you.


(解答例)There were a large number of people at the meeting.

(解説)a large number ofはvery manyの意味なので、wereとします。a lot of (people), plenty of (books), a multitude of (readers), a variety of (causes)なども同様です。もちろん、物質名詞、集合名詞の場合は別です。

(参考)A variety of reasons have (hasではなく) been suggested.

There is plenty of time.

A crowd has collected in the public square.


(解答例)This is one of the best books that has ever been written on this subject.

(解説)It is I that am to blame.などはおなじみの例です。

(参考)She is one of those women who can never make up their minds.

I am a man who says things as they occur to him.(頭に浮かぶことをすぐ…)


(解答例)Many a scientist has tried to solve the riddle.

(解説)またはMany scientist have tried to solve the riddle.

(参考)More than one scientist has (またはhave) tried to solve the riddle.


(解答例)Mathematics is a difficult subject.


(参考)News travels very quickly.

Does the means justify the end?

The United States is rich in natural resources such as iron, coal, copper and oil.


(解答例)The Swiss are an industrious people.


(参考)Our only guide was the stars.

The stars were our only guide.


(解答例)The healthy are happier than the wealthy.

(解説)「the+形容詞」が複数普通名詞を意味することは、The rich are not always happy.で覚えておきます。ただし、それが抽象観念(an abstract idea)を表わす場合は別です。

(参考)The good does not always go hand in hand with the beautiful.


(解答例)Five years is too long for an engagement.

(解説)金額、期間、距離、面積などは、複数形でもcollective meaningを持たせて1つのまとまりと考える時は、単数として扱います。しかし、collective meaningを持たせなければ複数として扱います。

(参考)Ten dollars has been spent in all.

If you look at a map of Holland, you will find that two-fifths of the whole country is lower than sea-level.

One third of the apples were rotten.

Five years have passed since he died.


(解答例)More than half of my books were destroyed by the fire.

(解説)part of, the rest(残り) of, all of, most of, some ofも次に続くものが複数なら複数として扱い、単数名詞が続けば単数として扱います。ただし、「none (あるいはany) of+複数名詞」の場合はどちらでもよいです。これに反して、each of~, every of~, (n)either of~は単数として扱います。

(参考)Parts of my books were destroyed by the fire.

Part of this is true.

None of us is (あるいはare) willing to die.

Is (あるいはAre) any of his brothers coming?

Each of them has something to say for himself.

Everybody makes mistakes.

Neither of them wants to go.

Does either of you know where he has gone?


(解答例)Either you or I am in the wrong.

(解説)Either A or B, Neither A nor Bの場合は、動詞はBに合わせます。A or Bの場合も動詞はBに合わせます。

(参考)Either he or you have to do it.

Either you are in the wrong, or I am.

Neither you nor I am rich.

You are not rich, nor am I.

One or two examples have to be given.

There are one or two things that you must remember in doing this.


(解答例)Not only you but also my brother are responsible for it.

(解説)Not only A but Bの場合は、Bに重点が置かれるので、動詞もBに合わせます。これをas well asとすればB as well as Aとなり、動詞は前のBに合わせます。

(参考)My brother as well as you is responsible for it.


(ヒント)どうしてもMy studyを主語にしなければなりません。動詞はfacesです。「南に」はto (あるいはtowards) the south、また単にsouthです。「日当たりがよい」はadmits plenty of (あるいはample) sunshine、またはis sunnyです。

(解答例)My study faces south, so it admits ample sunshine and is warm even in winter.


(ヒント)「古来」の意味は現在完了で表わすことにして、A number of inventionsと書き出し、それをhave been madeと受けて、「偶然に」のby accidentで結びます。またはChanceを主語にして、has led many a man to invent thingsです。次の文はmade by accidentに対して、「その完成には」を浮き出させるため、But to complete themと文頭に置き、great effortsを主語にして、have had to be put in, in all casesと収めています。

(解答例)Many an invention has been a product of pure chance, it is true, but its perfection has invariably been a matter of great toil and labor.


(ヒント)主語はThe East and Westとし、動詞はdiffer、またはare differentとして違う点をうまく並べます。後半の主語は「誤解」のmisunderstandingですが、それを受ける動詞を考える必要があります。

(解答例)The East and the West are entirely different in their races, languages, historical backgrounds as well as in their manners and customs, and from this mutual misunderstanding often rises.




 例えば、「明日から休暇に入ります」を英語で言おうとすると、「入ります」は何と言えばよいのか?と首をひねるところです。これはWe are going to enter into the holiday from tomorrow.などと言ってもダメで、We are going to break up tomorrow.となります。これを知らなければ、Our holiday begins tomorrow.と言えばよいでしょう。

 では、「風邪が抜けないんです」をどう言えばよいでしょうか?I can’t cure myself my cold.などと難しくひねらず、I cannot get rid of (あるいはshake off) my cold.と言えばよいのです。あるいは、「インクのしみを抜くには何が一番いいですか」なら、「抜く」はremoveか、eliminateか、それともbleachかなどと首をひねらず、やさしくWhat is the best thing to take out ink-stains?とします。さらに「ウソはついにはバレるものです」なら、A lie will be detected (あるいはfound out) in the end.よりも、A lie will come out in the end.とします。

このように日本語の動詞にこだわらないで、できるだけやさしい英語の動詞(特にbe, come, do, get, give, go ,have, keep, let, make, put, run, say, see, send, take等)をうまく工夫して用いることを常に心がける必要があります。これらの動詞に前置詞をつけると、たいていの事柄は言い表せるのです。動詞につっかえたら、まずこの手を考えてみましょう。

 例えば、「警官はどろぼうを追跡した」の「追跡する」にpursueなどを使わなくても、The policeman ran after the thief.で事足ります。「道路を横断する」のcrossの用法を知らなければ、go from one side of the road to the otherと説明しても切り抜けられるでしょう。



(解答例)I have come to take you for a walk.

(解説)I have come to invite you a walk.などと言うのは変です。


(解答例)①How much does it come to?

②How much is that altogether, please?

(解説)What is the sum total?ではありません。「浜松までいくらですか」と汽車賃を尋ねるなら、How much is it to Hamamatsu?となり、「2等片道」なら、Second, single.と付け足せばよいです。


(解答例)①I can’t get this nail out.

②This nail won’t come out.

(解説)I can’t extract this nail.などと言うのは変です。


(解答例)Your pipe has gone out.

(解説)Your pipe has disappeared.では手品師です。is extinguishedでは噴飯物です。


(解答例)①I will (「するとなれば」の条件を含ませればwould) do anything for you.

②There is nothing I won’t do for you.

(解説)「いとう」を引くと、dislike, detest, abhorが出て来ますが、ここはやさしく考えましょう。


(解答例)Look up that word in your dictionary.

(解説)「辞書を引く」はconsult a dictionaryですが、「その単語を」のthat wordをどう付けるかが問題です。Consult the dictionary to find out the meaning of that word.では長すぎます。


(解答例)He looks just like his mother.

(解説)He is the very image (あるいはportrait) of his mother.などという難しい文句を知らなくても平気です。


(解答例)Only this morning they had a most violent quarrel, but they have already made it up.

(解説)「仲直りをする」に困るところです。but it seems they have already become reconciled to each otherでは仰々しいでしょう。


(解答例)I should like like to (あるいはwant to) speak (あるいはtalk) to you. Can you spare me a few minutes (あるいはCan you give me a few minutes of your time) ? I shan’t keep you long.

(解説)「お暇はとらせません」をI won’t detain you long.とすれば、そのdetainがprevent you from going awayの意味でちょっとズレますし、it won’t take much timeでもa few minutesと重なって気持ちが悪いでしょう。


(解答例)You’re catching a cold. Try to check it early and be careful not to give it to any one else.

(解説)You’re going to catch cold.では「まだこれから」ということになります。第2文はTry to prevent it from getting worse before it is so late.などとゴテゴテと言わない方がよいでしょう。and be careful not to let any one else catch itももっとあっさりと前につなぎます。

11、He overcame the difficulty.(overcameをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)got over

12、How did you manage to finish your task so quickly?(finishをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)get through

13、She fainted, but soon regained consciousness.(regained consciousnessをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)came around

14、I mean to persevere to the end.(persevere to the endをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)go through with it, see it through

15、He was confined to his house by a slight illness.(confined to his houseをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)kept in

16、He laid the blame on his brother.(laidをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)


17、When you are traveling, you have to endure a great deal of discomfort.(endureをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)put up with

18、He resembles his father.(resemblesをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)takes after

19、They despise the poor.(despiseをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)look down upon

20、Gradually she calmed down.(calmedをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)grew (calmer)

21、I hope you will soon recover from your illness.(recover from your illnessをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)get (あるいはbe) well again

22、A fool may easily be distinguished from a wise man.(distinguishedをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)


23、I wish I could accompany you to England!(accompanyをやさしい動詞を使って言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)go with


(ヒント)難しい動詞を使って書けば、That doctor enjoys a great reputation as he treats all his patients, rich and poor alike, with equal kindness and is ever ready to take any pains with them.となりますので、これをやさしく書きます。

(解答例)That doctor is very popular with us, as he is kind to all patients, whether they are rich or poor, and gladly does all he can for them.





(解答例)①”What do you say to rising from your bed now? You know as well as I do that we have mountains of work to do today. Therefore, if you will not rise at once, I shall be put to great inconvenience.”

“I know, I know. I will not tarry any longer. Tell me what time it is now. Eight o’clock,

really? Is it already so late? I regret I did not know in the least. Is breakfast prepared?”

“I had it cooked half an hour ago.”

②”Don’t you think it is nearly time to get up? You know what a lot of things we’ve go to do today. Do get up at once, if you don’t want to see an angry wife.”

“All right, all right; I’m just going to get up. What’s the time, eh? Eight! Did I hear you say eight? Oh my god! Is it as late as all that? I had no idea. Is breakfast ready, dear?”

“It has been ready half an hour, my lord.”




 英語では副詞を使う代わりに、「前置詞+名詞」という形で、その意味を表わすことがしばしばあります。The next fifteen minutes passed with intolerable slowness (intolerably slowlyではぎこちない).といった類です。それと似た趣向が動詞についても行われます。例えば、swimと言うところをtake a swimとし、swim for a short timeをtake a short swimとする技法です。つまり、1個の動詞を使う代わりに、その動詞(またはその縁語)の名詞形を目的語にして、do, give, get, have, make, takeといったやさしい動詞を使うのです。副詞(句)を付ける場合も、それを形容詞にしてその目的語に付けることができるので、「動詞+副詞」の結合よりも意味の上のつながりが緊密になり、文も引き締まってくるし、また、動詞に回数性を持たせたりすることもできて、便利です。



(解答例)①We rested several times on our way up the mountain.

②We had several rests on our way up the mountain.


(解答例)①She cried sharply in surprise.

②She gave a sharp cry of surprise.


(解答例)①The lady bowed to me very politely.

②The lady made me a very polite bow.


(解答例)①Let me try again.

②Let me have another try.


(解答例)①Does it look like clearing? ―No, it's still pouring.

②Does it show any signs of clearing? ―No, it's still pouring.


(解答例)①She glanced at me anxiously.

②She gave me an anxious glance.


(解答例)①He no longer thought of the matter.

②He never gave the matter another thought.

(参考)None of us gave a (あるいはany, enough) thought to the matter.

I have had thoughts of resigning.


(解答例)①He did not answer me.

②He gave (あるいはmade) me no answer.

(参考)He will not give you a definite answer.


(解答例)①She knows has some French.

②She has some knowledge of French.

(参考)He has a good reading knowledge of Italian.


(解答例)①They welcomed me heartily.

②They gave me a hearty welcome.


(解答例)①You are fooling me.

②You are making a fooling of me.


(解答例)①I did not know it was so late.

②I had no idea it was so late.

(参考)I had an idea that he was coming.


(解答例)①You will be scolded.

②You will get a scolding.

14、Let's consult the dictionary.(consultをhaveに何か言葉を付けて言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)Let's have a look at the dictionary.

15、He always sleeps in the afternoon.(sleepsをtakeに何か言葉を付けて言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)He always takes a nap in the afternoon.

16、The dog attacked the boy violently.(attackedをmadeに何か言葉を付けて言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)The dog made a violent attack on the boy.

17、Nobody helped me.(helpedをgaveに何か言葉を付けて言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)Nobody gave me any help.

18、He smiled at me encouragingly and understandingly.(smiledをgaveに何か言葉を付けて言い換えて下さい。)

(解答例)He gave me a smile of encouragement and understanding.


(ヒント)I am sorry, but I don’t understand music at all.でOKですが、earを使ってみます。ついでに次のイディオムも覚えておきましょう。

She has no taste for music.(彼女には音楽の趣味がない)

He has a good head for business.(彼には商才がある)

He has an eye for the beautiful.(彼は審美眼を備えている)

(解答例)I am sorry I have no ear for music.


(ヒント)Being entreated so earnestly by him, I could not very well refuse him flatly.でも意味は通じますが、少し引き締めてみます。

(解答例)After his earnest entreaties I could not very well give him a flat refusal.

(解説)wellはin a manner suitable to the occasion「その場にふさわしく」の意です。


(ヒント)「そっと戸を叩く者があった」はSomebody knocked on the door softly.などとするより、「そっと戸を叩く音」をthere is構文の主語にする方が印象的です。「顔を見合わせる」もthey looked at each otherとするより、exchange glancesとする方がよいでしょう。「こわごわ」はin a~sort of wayの~に適当な過去分詞を入れればよいです。

(解答例)There was a soft knock (あるいはa gentle rap, a light tap) on the door. The two stopped talking exchanged (uneasy) glances. "Who is there (あるいはthat, it)?" said one of them, getting up, and walked towards the door in a scared sort way.


(ヒント)To listen to others' opinions carefully, say what we have to say and discuss the question from every angle so as to find out and decide upon some course which will satisfy all the parties concerned, is the democratic way.などとゴテゴテとやらずとも、To exchange opinions freely and discuss the matter fully, so as to find out and decide on a course which will satisfy all, is the democracy way.で済みます。しかし、これでもまだ少々読みづらいでしょう。

(解答例)To have a free exchange of opinions and a full discussion, thereby reaching a final decision which will be for the good of all, this is democracy.




 「彼は私の命の恩人だ」を、He is a benefactor of my life.などとは言わずに、I owe him my life.と「二重目的」を使うなどということはなかなか思いつきません。「できるだけ陽(ひ)の当たるようにしなさい」をYou must tryで始めたら、そのtryの「目的語」は不定詞で、to be in the sun (as long as you can)とするということなど、よほど英語に慣れていないとできないところです。そもそも日本語では、英語の目的語に当たる部分が全く省かれていることも多いので、英語で言う場合はよくよく注意が必要です。例えば、「彼の顔をはっきり覚えていませんが、会えば分かると思います」を見たら、まず「会えば」は「誰に?」と考え、「分かる」は「彼だと分かる」のrecognize himであるとハッキリ考えてからでないと、I don't remember his face clearly, but I might recognize him (あるいはknow him again) if I saw him.という文章はできません。また、日本語で「誰々に何々を」とあっても、英語では必ずしも2つの目的語を並べるわけにはいかないので、注意が必要です。



(ヒント)We put some records on the phonograph and played.では何のことかはっきり分かりません(せめてand dancedならともかく)。「かけて」は「聞いて」の意味なので、We heard some phonograph recordsとし、「遊びました」は「愉快な時を持った」と解釈してand had a good timeとします。

(解答例)We enjoyed ourselves hearing some phonograph records.


(解答例)I overslept myself (あるいはslept too long) this morning and was late for school.


(解答例)You must rest yourself (あるいはneed rest). You had better give yourself (あるいはtake) a holiday.


(解答例)He believes himself to be (あるいはbelieves that he is) a genius.


(解答例)Ask yourself.


(解答例)Most diseases cure themselves in the end.

(参考)She was angry with herself.(彼女は1人で怒っていた)

I felt angry with myself for not having behaved more nicely.(もっとちゃんとした振る舞いをしなかった自分に、我ながら腹が立った)

He was disgusted with himself for living on his wife.(女房に食わせてもらっていることに、我ながらくさっていた)


(解答例)The wind will soon blow itself out.


(解答例)I'm not going to have you make a fool of yourself.

(参考)Don't be a fool (あるいはfoolish).


(ヒント)「互いに」のeach otherを用います。

(解答例)Do you know each other?

(解説)このeach otherもなかなか使えない語句の1つです。


(解答例)The armies attacked each other.



(解答例)They were telling one another all sorts of lies to hide their real intentions.

(解説)each otherは「2人(2つ)の間」、one anotherは「2人(2つ)以上の間」という区別は、現在では余り守られていません。


(解答例)The two women tore each other's hair.


(ヒント)Buy a one-way ticket to Osaka.だけでは「私に」の意味が表われません。for meを付け足したいですが、Buy a one-way ticket to Osaka for me.ではmeが動詞から離れすぎるので、「間接目的語」にします。

(解答例)Buy me a one-way ticket to Osaka.



(解答例)①Won't you sell me the dictionary?

②Won't you sell the dictionary to me?


(解答例)①Won't you make me a new suit?

②Won't you make a new suit for me?


(解答例)①I'd like to ask you a question.

②I'd like to ask a question of you.


(解答例)I thanked him for his help.


(解答例)Explain it to me briefly.


(解答例)May I beg you for a subscription?


(解答例)How long do you intend being (あるいはto be) away?


(解答例)They were talking so loudly in the next room that I could not concentrate my thoughts upon the book any longer.

(解説)I could not~の箇所を眺めていると、形式目的語itが使えそうな気がしてきます。I found it impossible to concentrate~となります。

(参考)It is almost impossible for us to realize what it is to live without sight, hearing, and speech.

We find it almost impossible to realize what it is to live without sight, hearing, and speech.(We can hardly realize what~と比べてみることです。)

It was brave of you to have born all this mental anguish with a smiling face.(これだけの精神的苦悩に笑顔で耐えてきたのは)

I think it brave of you to have born all this mental anguish with a smiling face.(これを発展させれば、I cannot tell you how brave I think it of you to have born all this mental anguish with a smiling face.などとなります。)


(解答例)Do you seriously mean that?

(解説)このthatをwhat you sayと引き伸ばすこともできます。同様に疑問詞節も動詞の目的語に使えます。「誰がやったのか、誰も知らない」はNobody knows who did it.であり、「何時頃お着きになりますか、お知らせ下さい」はPlease let me know when you will arrive (あるいはthe time of your arrival).となります。






intend, want, like, hate, remember, begin, continue, cease, decline, refuse


mean, expect, wish, desire, seek, forget, fail, know, learn


enjoy, repeat, help(避ける), keep, mind, stop, give up, leave off

中でも「動作の開始、継続、終了」を意味するbegin~ing, continue(あるいはkeep (on))~ing, stop (あるいはcease, finish)~ingは頻繁に用いられます。


I don't like to be poor.(貧乏にはなりたくない)

I don't like being poor.(貧乏であるのは嫌です)

 不定詞の場合は、その表わす「状態、行為に向かって」、つまり→を意味しますが、動名詞の場合はthe state of~ing, the act of~ingを意味します。

She began to realize that she had made a big mistake in marrying him.(involuntary act、つまりIt dawned upon her that she had~なのです。)

Immediately she left, he began searching the room.(voluntary or deliberate act)

But soon Smith began to show his real character(本性).(意識しないで「ひとりでに」の含みが感じられます。)

But soon his real character began to appear.

I am afraid to die.(恐くて死ねない。)

I am afraid of dying, James, even of thinking about death.(死ぬことが、いや、それを考えるだけでも恐ろしい。)

I want to clean my pipe.(パイプを掃除したいのです。)

Your pipe wants cleaning.(君のパイプは掃除する必要がある。)

He never stops to think.(彼は立ち止まって物を考えない男だ。)

He never stops thinking.(彼はしょっ中ものを考えている。)

Though I was afraid, I tried not to show it.(恐かったが、その気持ちを顔に出さぬように努めた。)

Try and be there by six.

He had tried getting work in a factory, but they wouldn’t have him. His gray hairs stood in his way.(工場に求職を試みたが、どうしても雇ってくれなかった。白髪が邪魔したのだ。~ingを従えると、tryはexperimentの意味となります。「白髪まじりの頭」がgray hairsであるのに対して、全部白髪で数え切れなかったら、gray hairとなります。)

Did you remember to post my letter?(僕の手紙を忘れずに出してくれたかい。)

I remember having posted your letter.(君の手紙を投函した覚えはあります。)


1、She will (なる) him a very good wife.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


2、Are you (飲む) any medicine for your cold?(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


3、He took out his handkerchief and covering his face, loudly (かんだ) his nose.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


4、I (見た) a curious dream last night.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)

(解答例)dreamed, had

5、He (送った) a happy life.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)

(解答例)led, lived, spent

6、Let's go down to the beach and (する) a swim.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)

(解答例)have, take

7、He (した) a short after-dinner speech.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


8、The storm (与えた) much damage to the rice crop.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)

(解答例)did, caused, inflicted

9、(引け) the curtain, please.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


10、He (打ち勝った) his circumstances by dint of hard work and perseverance.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


11、Sunday is not the proper day for (する) formal calls.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


12、Bread should never be cut into small mouthfuls, but (ちぎられる).(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


13、He (経営している) a hotel.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


14、(出せ) the coffee in the drawing-room.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


15、She will (断る) the invitation to dinner.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


16、You had better (ならう) my example.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


17、Do you think you are qualified to (下す) judgment in these matters?(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)


18、Some people think that they cannot (割く) time for exercise.(適当な動詞を入れて下さい。)



(ヒント)Will you kindly stop at the post office on your way home and have this letter registered and send it?ではandが耳障りです。すっきりさせるには動詞をmind1個にして、その目的語を~ingにすればよいでしょう。

(解答例)Would you mind sending this letter by registered mail at the post office on your way home?


(ヒント)「横から口を出す」はput out your tongue sidewaysなどとあわてないで、interrupt(邪魔をする)を使い、When a person (あるいはanother) is speaking, be careful not to interrupt him.とします。「終わりまで聞けば」は、hear him to the endまたはhear him outとします。「話がよく分かる」もunderstand him wellで間に合います。「それだけよく」とあるので、wellをthe betterと直します。

(解答例)Be careful not to interrupt another when he is speaking; hear him out, and you will understand him the better.

(参考)I think I have made myself perfectly clear on that point.


(ヒント)If you continue to study at the present tune, you will surely break your health in the end.などと直訳するとナンセンスです。しかし、at the present tuneをat your present paceと直し、後半をyour health will surely break down in the endとすれば意味は通じます。さらに英語の慣用に従って整えます。

(解答例)If you keep on studying as you do, you will surely end by making yourself ill.


(ヒント)Nobody likes to be provedではいけません。「誰かに~される」の意味なので、have somebody prove (that~)とします。「証明される」内容は、that he is not really as wise as he tries to seemです。そのhave somebody proveをhave something done (by somebody)の形式に直すと、have~provedとなり、その~に形式目的語のitを当てはめて、続くthat~を予示させます。

(解答例)Nobody likes to have it proved that he is not really as wise as he tries to seem.





There were many fish in the river at that time of the year, and the best time to catch them was during the night (あるいはjust before dawn).

The only time I get any peace (ほっとする) is when you’re asleep.

The question is : Is the end worth the effort?



V=be, seem, prove, stay, remain, keep, lie, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, become, grow, get, turn





V=think, consider, believe, wish, call


V=keep, leave, make, find, feel, see






(解答例)My family are all early risers.


"What (sort of) age (あるいはHow old) is he?" "He is (of) the same age as John." "He does not look his age."(年には見えないね。)

"What color are her eyes?" "Her eyes are a dark brown."

"What shape is the earth?" "The earth is the shape of an orange. (=The earth resembles an orange in shape.)"

What price is this article? (=How much is it?)

"What nationality is she?" "She's French."

"What religion are you?" "I'm a Christian, of course."


(解答例)Who may you be?


(解答例)The sky was cloudless (あるいはwithout a cloud).


(解答例)My hobby is repairing radios.

(参考)I repair radios as a hobby.


(解答例)To live is to suffer.


(解答例)①That's what he said.

②He said so.


(解答例)He looked (あるいはseemed, appeared to be) quite healthy.


(解答例)How cold your hand feels!


(解答例)①He proved, on a closer acquaintance, a very kind man.

②I found him, on a closer acquaintance, to be a very kind man.


Benjamin Franklin was a man of varied attainments; he was a diplomat, statesman, writer, and inventor.


Be master of your temper.

Master your temper.

In the quarrel between husband and wife the woman was victor.

―Stephen Crane, Maggie

North America is third in size amongst the continents, after Asia and Africa. (the third largest continentとしてもよいです。)


Many consumers are the victims of false advertising.

Ability, industry, and health are factors of success in school. (factors of successでひとまとまりの感じ)

"Don't be a fool." "It's you who are the fool."(馬鹿なのは君の方だよ。)


(解答例)He kept (あるいはremained) silent.


(解答例)①Nobody can stay angry with him, he says such funny things.

②He says such funny things that nobody can stay angry with him.


(解答例)From that time he became quite another man.


(解答例)I am afraid he may have fallen ill.


(解答例)The weather turned fine in the afternoon.

(参考)He turned very red in the face as he said so.


(解答例)He was born poor, but died a millionaire.

(解説)He was poor when he was born, but was a millionaire when he died.などと長ったらしく言う必要はありません。


(解答例)The wind blows cold today.

(参考)A cold wind is blowing outside.


(解答例)There was not yet a hint of autumn in the air and the sun shone radiant in a cloudless sky.

(参考)The sun was shining radiantly in a cloudless sky.

About an hour before noon the sun came out hot and the sky became cloudless.


A bus was on the point of leaving, almost full.

Don't you want to live like the birds, free?

I trembled, speechless from fear.

"What!" I gaped at him, unable to believe my ears.

"Martin," she said to her husband, "let us not begin this day cross with one another."

He stared at me, troubled.

He looked up, determined.

"Don't stand there laughing like a fool," she cried irritably.


Unable to sleep in a strange bed, I lay awake several hours through the night, tossing and turning from one side to another.(tossing and turningも補語的な働きをしています。)

Much surprised, I asked why they laughed.


(解答例)"And you call yourself a gentle man," she exclaimed, in a biting tone.


(解答例)Do you think him a competent teacher?


(解答例)I wish you happy.

(解説)I wish you (every) happiness.とも言います。


(解答例)Keep it secret.

(参考)An electric refrigerator keeps things cool without ice.

Exercise keeps a man healthy (あるいはin good health).


(解答例)Please leave the windows open to let in the fresh air.


(解答例)We found him as good as dead (あるいはmore dead than alive).

(解説)よく例に出されるOne fine morning I awoke to find myself a famous man.も同じ趣向です。また、目的語の所に仮にitを据え、後から本当の目的語である不定詞を持ってくる形式も確認しておきましょう。

I found it impossible to keep silent any longer.


(解答例)I happened to see the man cross the street hurriedly.

(解説)hurry acrossも可です。これはHe crossed the street, and I happened to see him.で、動作の開始から終了まで(瞬時である)を見た意味となります。I saw the man crossing the street.とすれば、The man was crossing the street when I saw him.の意味で、「私はその男が道路を渡りかけているところを見た」となります。

Seeing a stranger come (comingとすれば「近づいて来るのを目で追っている感じ」です。) up the path, the dog began to bark.


(解答例)You must make your parents as happy as you can.


(解答例)Go and wash your hands clean.

(解説)この手を使えば、Wash your hands and make them clean.とかMake your hands clean by washing.などと長ったらしく言わなくて済みます。


(解答例)He drank the bottle dry.


(解答例)Let’s paint this door green.


(解答例)He shouted himself hoarse.

(解説)He shouted till his voice was hoarse.の意味です。

(参考)I shook him (until he was) awake.

She was worrying herself frantic.

He watched the car till it was out of sight.


(解答例)Lincoln left school very young.

(解説)Lincoln left school (when he was still) very young.の圧縮表現です。


(解答例)He brought back the run away girl safe and sound to her parents.


It was a very unpleasant dream, and he woke up in a cold sweat.(彼が目を覚ました時、びっしょり冷や汗をかいていたのである。)

I woke up with a splitting headache.

32、Too much education, like too little education can produce unhappiness.→Too much education, like too little education make・・・(文章を完成させて下さい。)

(解答例)Too much education, like too little education can make us (あるいはyou) unhappy.

33、When he died, Martha found that she was a penniless widow with three hungry boys to rear.→When he died, Martha found herself・・・(文章を完成させて下さい。)

(解答例)When he died, Martha found herself a penniless widow with three hungry boys to rear.


(ヒント)Your voice is hoarse.がYour voice sounds hoarse.となり、それがさらにどうなるか。「のどが痛い」はMy throat is painful.ではなく、soreです。「風邪をちょっとひきましてね」はI've caught a slight cold.としなくても、現在の状態としてよいでしょう。

(解答例)”You sound hoarse.” ”I have a sore throat. I’ve a bit of a cold.”

(解説)soreは「(皮膚が)むけたり、ただれたりして、触るとひどく痛いこと」で、throat, eyes, ears, arms, feetなどについて言います。

I have a stiff neck.(肩が凝って痛い。)


(ヒント)「味方する」が難しいでしょう。stand by the poor and the weakというのもピタッとしません。a champion (of the oppressed people)などという言い方もありますが、少々闘争的であるので、おとなしくa friend (of the poor and the weak)を用います。

(解答例)He remained throughout his life a friend of the poor and the weak.



(解答例)We buy everything we need ready-made, and are thus deprived of the joy of creating things with our own hands.



【テーマ】Habitual Action の表わし方

 「私は毎日曜日、教会へ参ります」のI go to church every Sunday.において、動詞のgoはPresent Tenseですが、その行為は決してthe present momentに限られるわけではありません。I went to church last Sunday.であり、I shall go to church next Sunday.でもあるので、「過去・現在・未来」に通じる漠たる形です。「過去・現在・未来を通じて不変のgeneral truth(と思われるもの)」を表わすThe sun rises in the east and sets in the west.とか、Honesty is the best policy.などの場合の用法に近接していると言えます。

He gets up early every morning. (=He is an early riser. habitual action)

He is getting up. (present action)

 この場合、「常習・反復」を示す副詞(句)、例えばalways, usually, generally, often, sometimes, seldom, ever, never, every day (あるいはmorning, week, year)などが当然のことながら、よく使われます。

 また、「過去の習慣(的行為)」もalways, often, sometimes, occasionally, usually, generally, as a rule, seldom, ever, never, every morning (あるいはweek, month, year)などで補強したPast Tenseを用いて表わすのが普通です。

 動詞の形と副詞語句の補強でhabitual actionが示し得ることが合点できれば、「彼は失望すると腹を立てる癖がある」などとあっても、He has a habit of getting angry when he is disappointed.などとせずに、あっさりHe always gets angry when he is disappointed.とできるはずです。

Have you the habit of biting your finger-nails? (この場合はそのままでよいです。)



(解答例)Do you think a thing over carefully before you do it?

(参考)Think over what I’ve said.(僕の言ったことを考え返してみたまえ。)


(解答例)As we live (あるいはLiving, as we do,) in a very out-of-the-way place, we seldom (あるいはrarely) have visitors.


(解答例)He wants everything he sees.


He was quick-tempered. He soon lost his temper.

 「我々はとかく得られないものを欲しがる」のWe often wish for what we can’t have.などは、We are apt to wish for what we can’t have.とすれば、「性向」の含みがさらにはっきりします。


(解答例)I make it a rule (あるいはMy rule is, It is a rule with me) never to lend books. Nobody ever returns them.

(参考)I’ve always made it a rule only to drink with friends.(酒を付き合うのは友達だけということに昔からしているんだ)


(解答例)She won’t wear the same dress two days running.

(解説)willを用いてdo often or usuallyの意味、すなわち「習慣・習性」を示すことがあります。

Magnets do not hold all metals. They will hold only iron and steel.

Accidents will happen.

The unexpected always happens.


(解答例)I am always forgetting names.

(解説)進行形にalways, continually, constantlyなどの「反復」を示す副詞を添えて、「習慣的行為」を表わすことがあります。

He’s always finding fault with me.(奴ときたら、しょっちゅう僕に文句ばかりつけてやがるんだよ)


(解答例)I was very poor in those days and often went supperless to bed.


(解答例)I used to (あるいはIt was my custom to) work far into the night and get up late in the morning.

(解説)否定形はusedn’t~、used not to~、疑問文にはUsed you to~?のごとく用います。used to~を用いると、「(現在はそうではないが)以前はそうであった」というconstantの含みが感じられます。

The neighborhood is no longer what it used to be. It is a noisy place now.

 この打消し形のused not to~(くだけた言い方ではdidn’t used to~)は少々awkwardなので、副詞のneverを過去形動詞につけて、never used to~で代用することもあります。このused toと混同しやすいのが、be used to (~ingまたは名詞)で、これはbe accustomed toの意味です。

The average human being isn’t used to examining himself critically.


(解答例)Sometimes he would come home too tired to eat.

(解説)Accidents will happen.のwillと同じく、「過去の習慣的行為・状態」を表わすのに、wouldがよく用いられます。ただし、used toよりは短い期間についてです。つまり、そうした状態はやがて消えていった場合です。反復の規則性、不規則性は区別の基準とし難いところです。

For some time after that happened, he would sit or stand at a window for hours, lost in his thoughts.

There used to be a restaurant where this store stands. It was torn down five years ago, if I remember rightly.

I used to sit up here by myself sometimes after the children went to school.

He was the sort of person who would give you the shirt off his back (着ているシャツも脱いで人にくれる), impulsively and generously (あるいはon a generous impulse).

He was the sort of person who would give you the shirt off his back, if you said you were cold.


(解答例)She was always grumbling about something.


(ヒント)He always says he will do this and that, but he never does them.でもいいですが、「頼りにならない奴だ」というaccusationの色彩を加えてみます。

(解答例)He is always going to do things, but never does them.


(ヒント)He used to come to meまではスラスラ書けますが、「困ると」で困ってしまいます。

(解答例)He used to come to me whenever he was in trouble.


(ヒント)He is the kind of man who puts his hands into his pockets the more you do for him.などと変なことは言わないようにしましょう。

(解答例)The more you do for him, the less he will do for himself.


(ヒント)「他人のことをとやかく言う人」をthose who find fault with othersとして安心せず、He is always doing some mischief or other.などと同じく、「あいつときたら、しょっちゅう人のあらばかり探してやがるんだ」の感じは進行形で表わします。

(解答例)It seems to me that those who are always finding fault with others are apt to become blind (あるいはshut their eyes) to their faults own fails (あるいはdefects).


(ヒント)「あるものだ」はwillで表わします。「居留守を使う」はnot receiving visitorsという意味のbe not at home to~を当てます。知らなければ、have the visitor told that one is not at homeとします。これをsay that one is not at homeなどとすれば、当人自ら相手に言うことにも取れるので(それが一番確かですが)止めておきましょう。

(解答例)Even those who hate telling lies will sometimes feel tempted to be not at home to an unwelcome visitor.


(ヒント)「出てから2、3年間」はfor two or three (あるいはa couple of) years after publicationとします。第2文はIt is astonishing how clever the child is.を応用します。「読まずに済まして損はしない」はleave unread without being the worse for it (あるいはloss)とします。このleaveについてはThere are some things you had better leave unsaid.を参考にしましょう。

(解答例)①For the past several years I have made it a rule never to read a best seller for a couple of years after publication. It is astonishing then how many of them I find I can without loss leave unread.

②For the past several years I have made it a rule never to read a best seller for a couple of years after publication, when I am always astonished to find how many of them I can leave unread without being the worse for it.



【テーマ】 完了形と進行形

 「have+過去分詞」で「つい最近、動作が完了したこと、過去の動作の生み出した現在の結果、現在までの経験、過去に始まって現在まで継続している動作や状態を述べる」という文法的説明が一応のみこめても、いざ実際に和文英訳をする場合にはずいぶん迷うことが多いでしょう。日本語には一見して完了形と分かる動詞の形が無いので、内容から状況判断する他ないのですが、基本的に完了形は動作そのものよりも、その動作の結果、生じた状態に言及したい時に用います。例えば、現在完了はa present condition as the result of some past actionを述べる時に用いるのであり、動作にしろ状態にしろ、「過去と現在とを1つに結びつける言い方」です。

要するに現在完了は、「視点を現在に置き、完了・結果・経験・継続を通じての現在の状態」を述べるものですから、現在形の一種とも見ることができるでしょう。したがって、現在と絶縁し、はっきりと過去を示すような語句と共に用いてはいけないことになります。ただし、lately, of late, recently, these days, once, before, already, this yearのように漠然と過去であることを示したり、または現在をも包含する副詞(句)は用いてさしつかえないです。

I have met her several times this week.(正、語っている時はまだthis weekが終わっていません。)

I have met her several times last week. (誤、I met herとします。)


When have you met him last? (誤)

When did you meet him last? (正)

 また、just nowは現在完了と共に用いてはいけないとされますが、実際にはそうではありません(しかし、真似る必要もありません)。

I've just now taken one of my sleeping tablets.

―T. Williams, Summer and Smoke


In all ages and in all countries there have been more good people than bad.

It may sometimes happen in conversation that you have not clearly understood what has been said to you. In this case you may inquire again, saying: I beg your pardon?

The happiest men I have known have invariably been those who found their pleasures in simple things.


Be careful not to interrupt another when he is speaking.

In the morning I generally go for a short walk whether it is raining or not.

 また、現在完了は「状態」を第一義とするので、Spring has gone.をSpring is gone.とする別形も可能となります。

The guests have (→are) all arrived.

The sun has (→is) risen. (参考:The sun is up.)

The moon has (→is) set. (参考:The moon is down.)

The chimney has (→is) fallen.


 次は「未完了」とも言うべき進行形ですが、これは「ある動作・状態が反復・進行中で完結していないこと」を示す便利な形式です。時間的に言えば、ハクションとくしゃみをした人に「あっ、風邪を引きかけていますね」’Oh, you’re catching a cold!’と言う場合には現在の瞬間ですが、「最近、眠りが非常に浅いのです」’I am sleeping very lightly just now.’になると、時間の幅が少し広くなります。

The moon is rising early this week.

He’s busy these days.

 また、「今この瞬間にも死にかけている人もあれば、結婚式の最中の人もあり、生まれてくる途中の人間もあるのだ」’At this moment, some people are dying, some are being married, and some are being born into this world.’になると、「時」の制限は無くなります。しかし、普通はある示された(または了解された)「時」の前後での比較的短い時間内の行為の進行、心理状態の継続を示します。

The light went out while we were having supper.

When I arrive there, my cousin will be waiting on the platform to meet me.

I must be getting back now, I’m afraid, or they’ll be wondering what’s happened to me.(これは単なる「推測」、つまりI suppose they are wondering・・・の意味です。)


Do you want to go to bed now?

Are you wanting to bed? (床に入りたいという気持ちが現在兆しかけているか、の含みです。)

I think I had better go now.

I think I’d better be going now.(行為の発進状態)

Oh, it has just gone six. I must be going now.

I’ll see you when I come back in three week’s time.(3週間経って戻ったらお会いしましょう~「約束」に近い言い方です。)

I’ll be seeing you tomorrow afternoon.(じゃ、明日の午後、お会いすることになりますな~「会う」ことになることになるのを確信した言い方です。)

‘I shan’t be coming after all. ‘(やっぱり行くのを止めにしようかしら) ’Well, make up your mind. ‘(「あやふや」なので、「はっきりせよ」と迫っています。)

Oh, I shall go to London in my car tomorrow.

Oh, I shall be going to London in my car tomorrow.(「行く」ことは既に取り決められていて、よくよくの不都合が無ければそうなるであろうという感じでの言い方です。)

He is meeting us on the platform.(プラットフォームまで出迎えてくれることになっているのです。)

He is to meet us on the platform.

What do you intend to do?

What’re you intending to do? (しばらくすると変わるかもしれませんが、今この瞬間に浮かんでいる意向を尋ねています。)

I’ve been intending to write, but I’ve been too busy.(書こう書こうと思いながら・・・「反復」)

He was intending to go, but when I told him that, he changed his mind.(その時の心理状態です。しばらくするとその気持ちは消えるのかもしれません。)

‘How are you feeling now? Better?’ (「今」のご気分は、と尋ねています。) ’Yes, thank you. I feel much better.’(「ずっと楽になった」という事実です。)


①He always noses into what doesn’t concern him.

②He’s always nosing into what does not concern him.

①She complained from morning till night.

②She was complaining from morning till night.

 ①はある行為をそのまま述べていますが、②の方はその行為の「頑強な反復」(つまりどうしても直らない癖)があり、その繰り返しにうんざりしたり、不快を感じている場合に使っています。同様にI am always forgetting names.にはI am disgusted with myself.といった含みが感じられますし、She was complaining from morning till night.にはI was sick and tired of listening to her constant complaints.といった語気が感じられます。要するにそうした「しつこさに対する嫌悪感」に似たものが感じられるのです。

Why are you asking me all this?(なぜ、君はこんなことを根掘り葉掘り聞くのか。)

Why do you ask me all this?

 さらにある種の動詞は進行形にできないことがあります。すなわち、動詞が既に「動作・状態の継続(duration)」を意味する場合(be, know, remember, like, love, resemble, seem, belong, haveなど)で、これは普通、進行形にしません。

Don’t take any notice of him. He‘s merely being disagreeable.(わざと嫌味を言っているだけです。)

We’re having a splendid time here.

The old house was still standing under the chest-nut tree.

His house stands on a hilltop.

I know how you are feeling.(君が今感じている気持ちは分かる。)

I know how you feel.(君の気持ちは分かる。)

Wasn’t that a knock at the door or am I imagining things?(今の音、ドアをノックする音じゃなかったかい、それとも私の気のせいかな?)

How can you imagine that sort of thing?

I am not blaming you for anything.

I don’t blame you for anything.

I know they are laughing at me even at this moment.

I know you laugh at me behind my back.

Do you think he was telling the truth when he said he didn’t know?

Do you think he told the whole truth?

Don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about.

When I’m with you, I talk too much.

 be going to~で「近い将来の行為、状態、出来事」を示したり、「意志」を表わします。

How black those clouds are getting! I think it is going to (あるいはwill) rain.(=We are going to have rain.)

We shall have to hurry if we’re going to catch that train.(are going toの代わりに(we) want to, (we) are toを使うこともできますが、「意向intention」の含みは少々変わります。)

 また、be going to~で「きっとそうなる」という含みも表わせます。

Come on, hurry up, we’re going to miss that train.

I’m not taking orders from any of you.(君達の誰からも僕は指図など受けない。)

I’m not going to listen to your excuses, I tell you.

 ただし、go, comeの場合は単にbe going, be comingとします。

Are you going (to goとすることもあります) anywhere tomorrow?

When is he coming (あるいはstarting, leaving)?

What are you doing next Sunday?



(解答例)I have lost my knife.

(解説)I lost my knife.と聞くと、When?と尋ねたくなりますし、Did you find it again?などという疑問も持たれます。そこで「昨日にしろ一昨日にしろ、無くした時は問題ではない。肝心なのは現在、そのナイフを持っていないということなんだ」という意味を何とか表わそうと考えます。それでI lost my knife.にI have no knife.を加味して1つにまとめます。

 同様にI gave up smoking. +I do not smoke now. =I have given up smoking.となります。「たばこを止めた」のはいつとは言いません。それより現在、「禁煙状態」にあることを話者は伝えたいのです。(参考:He stopped smoking a long time ago.)

「どこそこへ行ってきたところです」のhave been to (a certain place)にしても、「そこから現在戻って来ている」ことが含意されます。

I've been to Brighton for a week.(ブライトンに1週間行って来ました。)

I haven't been to New York for over a year.(ニューヨークには1年以上行っていません。)


(解答例)Now I have said all I wanted to say.

(解説)例文の裏には「もう言いたいことは残っていない」I have nothing more to say.という状態の含みがあります。そこでI said all I wanted to say. +and now I have nothing more to say.とします。


(解答例)She has been blind from birth.

(解説)She was born blind.だけでは、「その後、手術をして目が見えるようになった」のかもしれません(She was born blind, but had an operation when she was three, and received her sight.)から、She was born blind.とShe is still blind.を1つにまとめます。

 例えば、「結婚してから私達は5年になります」をWe married five years ago.としただけでは、「結婚後1年にして解消か?」などと気を回されかねません。そこでこれにWe are still man and wife.という現状の含みを加味して、We have been married these five years.とします。あの妙なHe has been dead for five years.という言い方も同じ理屈です。


(解答例)He has traveled widely in Europe.

(解説)裏のHe knows a great deal about European countries.という含みをHe traveled widely in Europe.(だけではWhen?と聞きたくなります)に加味します。

 「経験」にはonce, often, several times, never(疑問文ならever)といった副詞がつきもので、He has never read a novel in his life.(生まれてからまだ1度も小説など読んだことがないという御仁)とか、I have been in New York once.(ニューヨークにもいたことがあります)などと用います。


(解答例)He had arrived before me.

(解説)「彼はすでに着いてそこにいた」He already arrived there.の含みを持たせながら、しかも「私が着いた時」より前であったことを示すため、He had arrived before I arrived.とし、さらに調子を整えます。

He had been dead an hour when the doctor came.(死んだ「状態」が医者が来るまでに1時間「継続」していたのです。)

It was three o'clock. The wind had fallen, and the moon was shining over the sleeping village.(3時前に「完結」の動作)

When he had put all his money into his overcoat pockets, he got up and walked out of the door without saying good-night to anybody.


I had never traveled alone.

My grandmother had never been out of her home town with the exception of one small trip to Tokyo.

 2つ以上の過去の動作も、その起こった順に並べる時は過去形を用いて順に言えばよいので(I saw her first and then she saw me.)、ただその順序が逆になったり(He made us pay for the damage we had done to his barn.)、動作の前後関係を明らかにする(I had seen her before she saw me.)必要がある場合に(After her husband died, she had to earn her own living.のごとき場合は不必要です)過去完了を用いるのです。


(解答例)When I finish the book, I shall have read six books this month.

(解説)I have already finished five books since the beginning of this month, and now I am reading a sixth book, so when I am through with it, I・・・と考えてきて、「未だ読み終えていない」のだから、have read six booksとは言えないことが分かります。そこで明日か明後日かはともかく、「読み終える未来の時」に視点を移して、その時には「6冊読了という状態にある」というわけで、I shall have read six books.と言います。

 しかし、会話などではこんな重いことを言わずに、まともに「状態」を表に出します。例えば、「お帰りになるまでには、この仕事は終えておりましょう」のI shall have finished this work before you return.をI shall be through (with) this work before you come (あるいはare) back.などとしたり、または現在完了に「未来」を表わす副詞(句)をつけて、My father has been dead fifteen years this autumn.などと失礼してしまうこともあります。

 また、「時」を表わす副詞節(when, after, before, till, as soon asなどで始まる節)においては、未来完了の意味を現在完了形で表わすことは、未来の意味を現在形で言い表わす(Thank him for me when you see him tomorrow.)のと同じです。

Wait in the next room till I have finished my letter.


(ヒント)「病気は治りかけて」の所はrecover from my illnessの進行形です。「風邪をひいたため」は簡単にby catching coldとします。「ぶり返す」はreplaceなどと難しく考えず、be thrown backとします。

(解答例)I was recovering from my illness, but have been thrown back by catching cold.


(ヒント)第1文の主語は一般的なWeです。それにcan’t succeed in anything unless we concentrate our efforts on itと続けます。第2文の「仕上がるまで」が問題の箇所です。

(解答例)We can't succeed in anything if we do not focus our efforts on it. Once we begin a piece of work, we must keep at (あるいはstick to) it till we have finished it. It is no good to leave it only half-done.


(ヒント)「駅まで見送る」ならsee one off at the station、「汽車まで」ならat the train (あるいはon one’s train)と言います。「お会いする(現実を確実視した)のですから」は未来進行形です。

(解答例)There's no need for you to see me off at the train (あるいはon my train), we'll be meeting again in Tokyo so soon.


(ヒント)「一生が失望の連続であった」の所は、その時まで続いている状態だから完了形を使います。「失望」は「失望させる事柄」の気持ちでdisappointmentsとします。「必要がどこにあろう」は反語形式で、Why (should youは省略する) complain (if…)?とします。

(解答例)Why complain if in the evening of your life you realize your whole life has been a succession of disappointments? You have lived.

(参考)Anyone who hasn't read Treasure island has missed one of the best adventure stories that have ever been written.=Not to have read Treasure Island is to have missed one of the best adventure stories that have ever been written.(・・・を読み落としたことになります。)


No one who has read Treasure Island will ever forget the peculiar charm of some of the characters in the story.



【テーマ】Passive Sense の表わし方

 文法問題で「次の文のVoice(態)を変えなさい」と要求される場合には、与えられた文中の動詞をActive Voice(能動態)⇔Passive Voice(受動態)にするだけの機械的操作ですから、何の造作もありませんが、和文英訳の場合にはそう簡単にはいきません。「この場合、英文として動詞をPassive Voiceにすべきかどうか」の判定を、用いられている語からではなく、内容を英語的に考え直した上でしなければならないからです。その判定の目安は、例えば次のようになります。







⑦普通、Passive Voiceにすることになっている動詞の場合。

Passive Voiceは「~されている」状態を表わすのが重要な働きですが、動詞によっては(beをget, grow, becomeに変えたりして)「別の状態からその状態に移る」動きの感じを出し、「動作的」な意味を持たせることができます。

They were (あるいはgot) married last year.(動作的)

Are you married or single?(状態)

I became (あるいはgot) acquainted with him last year.(動作的)

I am not personally acquainted with him.(状態)

Being an invalid, he is (あるいはgets) easily upset and worried.

She was beginning to get very tired of having nothing to do.(無聊にほとほと飽き始めかけていた。beginningで「始動」がかかるので、to be tiredではまずいです。) 

また、場合によっては動詞をPassive Voiceにしなくてもその意味は表わせるし、本来は他動詞でありながら、Passive Voiceに形を変えなくても、Passive Senseを表わすことができるものも少々あります。

I hear his new book has already sold nearly half a million copies.

My fountain-pen writes better than yours.

Your composition reads well (あるいはis well expressed).

This kind of cloth washes well (あるいはstands washing).

This fish smells awful.

This cake tastes acid.

She has a skin that burns easily (あるいはis easily burnt by the sun).

He cannot compare with you as an orator.

 また、Passive Voiceの進行形「be being+過去分詞」という口調の悪さを嫌うためか、慣用上、Active VoiceのままでPassive Senseを表わすご少数の例もあります。さらにまた人を主語として、「・・・に~させる、・・・を~される」という意味を表わしたい時に、have (somebody) do (something), have (something) done (by somebody)という言い方もあります。さらに、次のような言い方も「使役」の意味は消えますが、形の上では親類筋と言ってよいでしょう。

I saw him run over by a motor-car.

I have never seen a ship being built.

I have only three days left before the examination.

I left the box buried beneath the stone.



(解答例)The house was broken into last night.

(参考)A burglar broke into the house last night.


(解答例)The best years of one’s whole life are unquestionably those which are spent at the university.

-John Collier, Ah, the University

(解説)are spentとone spendsを比べてみましょう。

(参考)Without another word being spoken (あるいはspeaking another word), he fired the pistol at her.


(解答例)The meeting was poorly attended.

(参考)Only a small number of people attended the meeting.

There was only a small attendance at the meeting.


(解答例)The letter must have been lost in the post.

(参考)Several officials seem to have been bribed.(数人の役人が鼻薬をもらっているらしい)

(解説)一般的なwe, they, peopleなどを主語にしないで、It is said (あるいはrumored, reported) that…などとする言い方はすでにおなじみです。また、No good habit can be formed in a day.(良い習慣は1日でつくものではない)のような場合、by us (あるいはyou)を省略するのは、What language is spoken in Australia?とかWhat is this flower called in English?などの場合と同趣向です。


(解答例)You will be expelled from school if you violate these regulations.

(解説)by the school authoritiesであることは自明です。「彼は14歳の時に孤児になった」のHe had been left an orphan at fourteen.も同様です。


(解答例)I was very surprised (あるいはastonished, frightened) at (あるいはwhen I heard) the news.


(解答例)I was so excited that night that I could not sleep very well.


(解答例)He is easily discouraged by difficulties and obstacles.


(解答例)I was charmed with the beauty and grandeur of the scenery.


(解答例)Dozens of people are wounded or killed in motor accidents every day.


(解答例)He was drowned while bathing (あるいはswimming) in the river.

(参考)「焼死する(be burned to death in a fire)」「凍死する(be frozen to death)」などもよく出会う例です。


(解答例)He is always well dressed.

(参考)He put on (あるいはdressed himself in) his Sunday best.


(解答例)I was seated behind her.

(参考)I sat (あるいはseated myself, took my seat) behind her.


(解答例)I am convinced of the truth of your statement.

(参考)I convinced him of the truth of your statement.


(解答例)①When he rose to speak, the audience greeted him with cheers and clapping of hands.

②He rose to speak, and was greeted with cheers and clapping of hands.


(解答例)①When he was crossing a street, a truck struck him and killed him.

②He was killed by a truck which struck him as he was crossing a street.


(解答例)Pine-trees are found (あるいはThere are pine-trees) in most parts of the world.


Leopards are not found in Japan.


(解答例)A man of his honesty is rarely to be met with.


(解答例)He was taken ill (あるいはfell ill, broke down) through overwork.


(解答例)The party was warmly welcomed by (あるいはhad a warm reception from) the whole school.


(解答例)①The book is printing now.

②They are printing the book now.

③The book is now passing through the press.

④The book is now in print (あるいは(the)press).


(解答例)The potatoes are frying.

(参考)Mother is frying the potatoes.

I think I smell something cooking. Is lunch ready yet?


You are not to blame.

Is this house to let?

This tea is too hot to drink.

This matter needs thinking over.

People who are no good are not worth worrying about.


(解答例)He had his wife die of lung cancer last year.

(参考)His wife died of lung cancer last year.

He had his wife killed in a traffic accident last year.

He lost his wife in a traffic accident last year.


(解答例)How short do you want to have your hair cut?

(解説)He was having his hair cut at the barber’s.などと進行形を作り得ることも知っておきたいところです。


(解答例)I have not been well since I had my tonsils removed.

(解説)これをsince I removed my tonsilsなどとしたら、相当の豪傑です。やはり、医者に取らせた方が安全です。


(ヒント)「好きにさせておくと」はif he was left to himself、「小説を読みふける」はbe absorbed in (reading) a novel、「何かをせっせと書く」はbe busily engaged in writing something or other。

(解答例)All day long, if left to himself (あるいはalone), he was (あるいはwould be) either absorbed in reading a novel or busily engaged in writing something or other in his note-book.


(ヒント)He passed his written examinationまでは書けますが、「体格の点ではねられる」が難しいでしょう。be thrown out in respect of his physiqueとは書けません。しかし、be admittedの反対はbe rejectedであり、「体格の点」はon physical groundsとすればよいでしょう。

(解答例)He passed his written examination only to be rejected (あるいはbut was rejected) on physical grounds.

(参考)Avalanches come tearing down the sides of the mountains with a terrible roar, at times burying (あるいはand at times bury) whole villages beneath them.


(ヒント)「宛名が間違っていた」はthe letter had been wrongly addressed。「全然」とあるからといって、did not reach him at allではalmost reached himということもありそうで気になるので、it never reached himとします。

(解答例)The letter, having been addressed to the wrong house, never reached him.


(ヒント)第1文はI must renew my season ticket.(アメリカ英語ではcommutation ticket)でいいですが、ここでは「定期券」を主語にして動詞はneedsを使ってみます。「大丈夫」は「通用する」意味で、good for~を使います。

(参考)Your father will be good for another twenty years, if he is careful.

(解答例)”My season ticket needs renewing.” ”Does it? Mine is good for another fortnight. ”


(ヒント)文の骨組みはYou cannot realize・・・till・・・で、Can you make yourself understood in English?を「言葉が通じない」に応用し、「自国語の通じない」をEnglish is spoken in Australia.の考え方で書きます。

(解答例)You cannot realize how inconvenient it is to be unable to make yourself understood, until you go to a foreign country where your language is not spoken.


(ヒント)「いや」に注意です。Didn't you know? に対してNo, nobody had told me.と答える場合と、Yes, I knew. I only pretended that I didn't know. と答える場合を比べてみましょう。「僕の苦境」はmy predicamentなどとしないで、the difficulty I am (placed) inのように引き伸ばします。

(解答例)”We need not talk any more, then.” ”Yes, we must (talk). I must have you understand the difficulty I am in.”



【テーマ】 「動作」か「状態」か


The house seemed suddenly empty when she had (あるいはwas) gone.

His black shoes were brightly shined.

 他の言い方でも、「動作」より「状態」の方から表現できるので、例えば「夏が来た」のSummer has come.は、Summer is here.ともIt is summer now.ともWe are now in summer.とも言えますし、「彼はクラスの首席となった」のHe has climbed to the head of his class.などはHe is at the head of his class.とも言えて、「いつ頃まで行っていらっしゃるのですか」などはHow long will you stay there?よりも、How long will you be gone?とか、How long are going to be away?の方がぴったりするのです。


I can’t understand this book at all.

This book is utterly beyond me (あるいはmuch too difficult for me).

I always think of you.

You are always in my heart.

I fully sympathize with you.

You have my full sympathy.

Frankly, I’ve no sympathy for him.

When two Englishmen meet, they first talk of the weather (あるいはtheir first talk is of the weather).                   -Samuel Johnson


  1. 明日は雨でしょう。

(解答例)①It will rain tomorrow.

②It will be rainy tomorrow.

  1. もう1時間もすると、ニューヨークに着きます。

(解答例)①We shall arrive in New York in about an hour.

②We shall be in New York in about an hour.

  1. 彼は病気をしたことは生まれてからまだ1日もない。

(解答例)①He has never had a day’s illness in his life.

②He has been ill a single day in his life.

  1. 劇場などというものには生まれてからまだ入ったことがありません。

(解答例)①I have never entered a theater in my life.

②I have never been inside a theater in my life.

  1. 彼は事業で大成功をおさめた。

(解答例)①He succeeded remarkably in business.

②He was remarkably successful in business.

  1. 彼に風邪をうつされぬよう注意したまえ。

(解答例)①You must take care not to catch his cold.

②You must be careful not to catch his cold.

  1. 心配が不眠の原因になることもあります。

(解答例)①Worry causes sleeplessness sometimes.

②Worry is a cause of sleeplessness sometimes.

  1. 私は自炊しています。

(解答例)①I cook my own meals.

②I am my own cook.

(参考)Don’t be your own lawyer (あるいはdoctor).

  1. 彼は人が自分をどう考えようが一切気にかけぬタイプの人間です。

(解答例)①He is the type of man who cares nothing what others (あるいはanybody, people) may think of him.

②He is the type of man who is entirely indifferent to the opinions of others.


(解答例)①He speaks English very fluently.

②He is a very fluent speaker of English.

(参考)He speaks very fluent English with little trace of French accent.(フランス語なまりもほとんどなく)


(解答例)①I have visited Matsushima a couple of times.

②I have been to Matsushima a couple of times.


(解答例)①Has anyone called during my absence?

②Has anyone been during my absence?


(解答例)①Flies and mosquitoes carry infectious disease.

②Flies and mosquitoes are carriers of infectious disease.


(解答例)①She always tells lies.

②She is a habitual liar.


(解答例)①This knife does not cut very well.

②This knife is not very sharp.


(解答例)①He said nothing about the matter.

②He was silent about the matter.


(解答例)①He makes money very cleverly.

②He is an expert in money-making.


(解答例)①He talks very little.

②He is a man of few words.


(解答例)①He observes things accurately.

②He is accurate in his observation (あるいはis an accurate observer).

(解説)この流儀でいくと、「彼は全てにうかつである」He does everything carelessly.はHe is careless in everything.とも言えるわけです。


(解答例)①I catch cold very easily.

②I am subject to cold (あるいはam apt to catch cold).


(解答例)①He arrived first.

②He was the first to arrive (あるいはwas the first arrival).


(解答例)①Translation requires much skill.

②Translation is a difficult art.


(解答例)①He will never do such a mean thing.

②He is above such meanness.

24、It was early in the morning and the sun had not risen yet.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)It was early in the morning and the sun was not up yet.

(参考)”Ordinarily what time do you go to bed and get up?” ”As a rule I’m in bed at eleven and up at seven.”

25、What does he do for a living?(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)What is his occupation (あるいはhe)?

26、He never observes appointed times.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)He is never punctual.

27、He always respected older people.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)He was always respectful to older people.

(参考)We should be respectful of tradition.

28、I can never thank you enough for all you have done for me.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)I can never be sufficiently grateful to you for all you have done for me.

29、She would not listen to any advice.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めえて下さい。)

(解答例)She was deaf to all advice.

30、 How did the concert go?(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)What was the concert like?

(参考)What is he like (あるいはWhat sort of man is he)?

31、I regret that I have caused you so much trouble.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)I am sorry that I have been the cause of so much trouble to you.

32、He did nothing for some time.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)He was (あるいはremained) idle for some time.

33、Having a fine library does not prove that its owner has a mind enriched by the books.(下線部分を「be+副詞・形容詞・名詞」の形式に書き改めて下さい。)

(解答例)Having a fine library is no proof that its owner has a mind enriched by the books.


(ヒント)主語は「母親というものは・・・」の意味であるのでmothersとし、「見る明がない」は「見ることができない」のですからcannot see、それに目的語のthe faults of their childrenを付け、文頭にGenerally speakingを置けばよいでしょう。

(解答例)Mothers are usually blind to the faults of their children.


(ヒント)「帰る」は「帰っている」状態の意味であるので、go homeではなく、be homeとします。

(解答例)I must be home by six o’clock, as I have a friend coming to see me.


(ヒント)易しく書けばI can’t play tennis very well, but I like it very much. Every Sunday, except when it rains, I play tennis for about three hours.となり、これにちょっと手を加えてみます。

(解答例)I am very fond of playing tennis, though I am but a poor hand at it. I make it a rule to enjoy this sport for some three hours on Sunday if it is not raining.


(ヒント)She will never do such a thing.とスラスラ言えますが、これに「まず」という意味を加えるのが厄介です。She will seldom or never do such a thing.でもあまりピタッとしないので、「状態」で表わすことにします。そうすると、He is the last man to consult in such matters.などの例が思い出され、このthe lastに「まず」を付けてみます。

(解答例)She is about the last woman to do such a thing.


(ヒント)「勝つ」にはwinやtriumphなどを当ててはまずいでしょう。ここではbe victorあたりを使いたいところです。「生存競争」にはthe struggle for existenceというset phraseを使います。

(解答例)Big and strong animals do not always prove victorious in the struggle for existence.


(ヒント)The horse is a useful animal.を思い出して、The writerとします。それにmust know a lot of thingsを加え、またはmust possess varied knowledgeと仰々しく構えます。このknowの代わりにbeを使って別の言い方にもできます。

(解答例)The writer must be a man of very varied knowledge.



【テーマ】 推量・仮想の表わし方

 「君は疲れている」のYou are tired.を例に取ってみると、このareの部分を変えることによって、いろいろな意味を添加することができます。

You are tired. You were tired.

You feel (感じ) tired. You felt tired.

You look (顔つき) tired. You looked tired.

You sound (声音) tired. You sounded tired.

You may be (かもしれない) tired. You may have been tired.

You must be (に違いない) tired. You must have been tired.

You cannot be (はずがない) tired. You cannot have been tired.

 「推量」を表わす言い方としては、may, must, canを用いずにその意味を表わすこともできます。例えば、He may be ill.はI think he is ill, but I am not sure.とかPerhaps (あるいはProbably) he is ill.でもいいですし、He must be ill.なら、I feel sure (あるいはI am convinced) that he is ill.とかHe is surely ill.などともできますし、He cannot be ill.の場合はI am sure he is not ill.でもいいわけです。しかし、できればmay, must, canを使った方が簡単でしょう。

 ただし、日本語で「かもしれない」「に違いない」「のはずがない」と来たら、すぐにmay, must, canを使うのは危険です。なぜなら、例えば「彼は今晩来るに違いない」をHe must come tonight.などと言えば、「彼は今晩来なければいけない」の意味にもとられてしまうからです。したがって、He will certainly come tonight.とはっきりしておく方が確実です。また、「彼が同意するはずがない」をHe cannot consent.とすれば、「彼は同意できない(事情にある)」の意味となってしまうので、I am quite sure he will not consent.とでもする他ありません。

 では、一体どこでこの区別をしたらいいのかということになりますが、mayは別として(He may or may not consent.とかI’ll try to be there by seven, but I may be a little late.)、mustとcanで「推量」を表わす時には、動詞がduration, repetitionの意味合いを持つもの(You must know the answer.)か、または「be+形容詞・名詞」で「状態」を表わす場合(He must be mad.とかHe cannot be sane.)で、actionを表わす動詞について「推量」の意味を加えたい時には、「状態」の含みの強い進行形や完了形にした上で、may, must, canをかぶせるということになります。

 この他にも助動詞のwill, wouldやoughtで「推量」を表わすことがあります。すなわち、will, wouldをつけて「事実は次に述べる通りであることが判明するであろう」という予測を表わしたり、oughtでprobabilityの意味合いを加えたりするのです。

 この「推量」の確信度がさらに数段弱まると、もはやthe statement of a possible factの形は取れなくなって、the statement of a pure suppositionを表わすwould, should, could, mightを「動詞の原形」「have+過去分詞」にかぶせねばならなくなります。例えば、「彼は病気かもしれない」をHe may be ill.とすれば、I think he is ill, but I am not sure.の含みですが、He might be ill.とすれば、He may be ill, I should think, but I am not at all sure.の意味合いとなります。この形がif節及びその帰結文によく用いられて、悩みのタネとなるのです。

 また、不定詞、動名詞、分詞というverbalsもwould, could, mightの力を借りると、「仮定」の意味が表わせることも確認しておきましょう。

Money is not everything. It is (would beと比較) foolish to exchange health for wealth.

It is (would beと比較) poor fun (つまらない) working only for yourself.

Living next door to them, you know (would knowと比較) what sort of family they are.

Spoken at the right time, there is (would be, will beと比較) magic in a word of praise.



(解答例)You must think I am an awful fool!


(解答例)He must be thinking over what I said.

(参考)I’ve been thinking over what you said.


(解答例)He must have been an unhappy man all his life.


(解答例)He cannot have suggested such a silly plan.

(参考)It is impossible that he should suggest (あるいはhave suggested) such a silly plan.(彼がそんな馬鹿な案を持ち出す<した>はずがない)


(解答例)It may have been my fancy, but I thought he hesitated just (a fraction of) a second before he replied (あるいはreplying).


(解答例)She will be (あるいはI suppose she is) well over forty now.

(参考)I suppose she would be about forty when she died.(死んだ時には40くらいだったろうと思う。)


(解答例)This will be (あるいはI suppose this is) his house.


(解答例)Go home at once. Your mother will be wondering where you are.


(解答例)He will have forgotten all about it.

(参考)Will he still be there or will he have gone away?


(解答例)I do not know whose hat this would be.

(参考)I do not know whose hat this is.


(解答例)He ought to be there (あるいはought to have arrived) by now.



(解答例)If you should expect too much, you might be disappointed.


(解答例)He cannot have arrived yet. But if he should have arrived, tell him to come here at once.

(解説)He may not have arrived yet.程度の含みなら、shouldを用いず、if he has (あるいはis) arrivedとしておけばよいです。


(ヒント)If only he had the intention to study a little harder.などと遠慮しないで、「意志」のwould(人称に関わりなし)を用います。

(解答例)If he would only study a little harder, he would surely (あるいはwould be sure to) pass the examination.

(解説)「彼にその気があればできるんだが」はHe could if he would。


(ヒント)「飲む水が得られないとしたら」はif you were unable to get any water to drinkなどと慎重に構えなくても、if you could get…でよいです。

(解答例)How dreadful it would be if you could get no water to drink when you were thirsty!

(解説)would, couldの過去形に影響されて、areがwereになります。


(ヒント)I must have given up collegeでは「違いない」となってしまいます。

(解答例)I should have had to (あるいはshould have been compelled to) give up college then if he had not offered to pay my school (あるいはeducational) expenses.


(ヒント)If you had said yes thenのhad saidに合わせてthings would have been quite differentとすると、nowが承知しません。

(解答例)If you had said yes then, things would be quite different now.

(参考)What would you do if all this had happened to you instead of to him?

 What would you have done・・・?とすれば、「どうしていただろう」という過去のその時点に仮に身を置いての言い方になりますが、それを「現在」に移したのがWhat would you do・・・?で、「君だったらどうするね」ということになります。


(ヒント)「見間違おうたって…」をno one could mistake them for…では不十分です。「もしそんなことがあったとしたら」の含みをcould have mistakenににじませます。

(解答例)Taro was so much like Hanako that no one could have mistaken them for other than brother and sister.

(参考)We’re not a bit alike. Nobody would take us for brother and sister.


(ヒント)「仮想」を表わすには必ずしもif節を用いなくてもいい例です。「現状、実状と違うことを示す言葉」にwould, could, mightなどを付け、その助動詞が本来持つ「(…であれば)…であろうに」の意味を発動させて、「仮想」であることを示します。

(解答例)A little discipline would do the child a world of good.

(解説)would have doneとすれば、「・・・なっただろうに」の意味になります。

(参考)Nobody but a fool would think of doing a thing like that.

It sounds all right in theory, but would it work?

Two years earlier, I’d have jumped at the offer.

It would be such a tiring journey by train.

To us it is nothing, but to them it would be a question of life and death.

20、If she was afraid, she did not show it.→She may…

(解答例)She may have been afraid, but she did not show it.

21、Wouldn’t it be a pity if we let slip (あるいはmissed) such an opportunity?→Wouldn’t it be a pity to…

(解答例)Wouldn’t it be a pity to let slip (あるいはmiss) such an opportunity?

22、He could not do otherwise than he did.→I don’t know what else he…

(ヒント)He had to do what he did. There was no other way.の意味です。

(解答例)I don’t know what else he could have done.

23、If he had been less indomitable, he would have given up the job years before.→A less indomitable person…

(解答例)A less indomitable person would have given up the job years before.

24、The slight movement of his limbs showed us that he was alive.→If it…, we might…

(解答例)If it had (あるいはHad it) not been for the slight movement of this limbs, we might have thought him to be dead (あるいはtaken him for dead).

25、You don’t know the sort of man he is, or you wouldn’t ask such a question.→If you knew…

(解答例)If you knew the sort of man he is, you wouldn’t ask such a question.

26、I’d have been inhuman not to have shown my gratitude.→I’d have been inhuman if I…

(解答例)I’d have been inhuman if I had not shown my gratitude.


(ヒント)I suppose you were thinking of something else while I was speaking. I am quite sure of it.でもいいですが、mustを使ってみます。

(解答例)You must have been thinking of something else while I was speaking.


(ヒント)「ハハシス」というその電報はthe telegram telling me of…とすればよいです。「さっぱり覚えがない」はcan not tell (あるいはremember)でもよいです。第2文の主語は「そこに立ちつくしていた時間」を漠然と指すことにして、itを使えばよいでしょう。

(解答例)I have not the least idea (あるいはcan’t possibly remember) how long I had stood there, staring at the telegram telling me of my mother’s death. It may have been only five minutes―it may have been nearly (あるいはclose on) half an hour.

(解説)or it may・・・とすると、理に落ちて余韻が消え、文勢がそがれます。

(参考)There is no escaping death, it catches you in the end.


(ヒント)stops wanting foodとstops wanting to learnの対照をphysicallyとmentallyの2語に移し、それをthere is something the matter with himにそれぞれはめ込んで表わします。

(解答例)If a man stops wanting food, there’s something the matter with him physically. If he stops wanting to learn, there’s something the matter with him mentally.


(ヒント)If he had not interferedのhad interferedに合わせて、everything would have gone on smoothlyの形を取ります。前半をBut for his interferenceとつづめます。

(解答例)But for his interference, everything would have gone along (あるいはon) smoothly.


(ヒント)「仕事の能率が上がる」は簡単にcan work wellと考え、そのcanをwill be able toに変えます。

(解答例)If you do not sleep well during the night, you will not be able to work well (あるいはdo good work) the next day.


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